~A Report~

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Owen found Gabe waiting outside his room the next morning. He looked tired and slightly agitated. 

"Luke and I found something last night we think you should see." Gabe said without preamble.

"Show me." Was Owen's terse response.

The two headed down the stairs and after a quick look into the kitchen to see if their hostess was in there, they headed down the dimly lit hallway Luke and Gabe had found the night before.

"Luke and I were exploring the house last night before bed. Luke pointed out this hallway that never seems to get used. The rest of the house is spotless, but this hall is dusty, and the walls look unwashed. I don't think Sang was allowed down here much if at all. There are no doors on the staircase side which led Luke and I to surmise that that wall used to be the exterior of the house. The first door on the east side of the hall leads into a tiny powder room. It is fucking filthy. Sorry, I'd be scared to use it unless I was desperate as it doesn't look to have been cleaned in years. There is another door just a bit down the hall here. I'll let you see it for yourself." Gabe told Owen as they walked down the hall.

Owen opened the first door and peered into the powder room; it was exactly as Gabe described. "That is foul. You're right I can't see Miss. Sang allowing this room to remain unusable if she was allowed down here." He moved down the hall to the second door. Upon opening it he found the room in exactly the same state as Luke and Gabe had left it the night before.

"Did you check to see if the computer still powered up? There is a possibility that it still works if it was unplugged and depending on how shielded this room is." Owen asked Gabe.

"We didn't touch anything in here beyond the top of the filing cabinet and one book." Gabe responded before walking over to the bookshelf and pulling out the same book as the night before. Once again, the shelving unit moved away from the wall revealing the room beyond.

"Thank you for showing this to me Gabe. We might find all the information we were sent to find in this room. I want to ask Miss. Sang about this room later today, but for now I want Kota and Vic in here to sort through everything and check the computer. Once we know what's in here, I want to get Miss. Sang in here and help her clean this entire wing out. If we stay, I want to turn this into both an office for myself and Sean as well as possibly a clinic area. I want to know what's in the secret room as well, unfortunately it is too dark to see in there right now."

After Breakfast

"Victor come with me for a moment." Owen directed as soon as Sang left the house with North. "I want to show you something and then I'm sending Kota to join you as soon as he gets back." Owen took Victor down the hallway Gabe had shown him only an hour before.

"I would advise against using this washroom as I'm not sure you won't catch something deadly." Owen directed as he showed Victor the powder room. "This is the room I want you to check out. I need you to see if the computer still works. If it does, take notes on anything of interest you find on it. I also want you and Kota to search both this room and the adjacent secret room. I need both rooms catalogued and eventually cleaned. You can start on cleaning in here if you need to do that first before you work as this room is filthy."

Victor looked around. His distaste for the dust in the room was clear on his face. "The computer may well be alright it looks to be unplugged and this room seems to have fairly thick walls. I think Kota and I will need to at least sweep out and dust in here before we can start sorting things out. I'll go grab the cleaning supplies before Sang gets back. I'll get started in here."

Victor started cleaning the room while he waited for Kota to return. It didn't take very long. Kota entered the room and just looked around. "This room is filthy. There is no way Sang knows about this room. She takes so much pride in everything she does that she would never purposely leave a room looking like this." Kota wandered over to the still open hidden doorway. "This looks like a bedroom of some sort. The sun is up just enough that I can see in here. I'm going to check it out." Kota entered the secret room and looked around.

Along the south wall, directly across from the door, was a small cot, it was neatly made but covered in a think layer of dust. An old bedside table sat beside the head of the cot also dusty, cobwebs dangled between its spindly legs. On top sat a small, empty oil lamp and a musty book. A large, antique chest sat along the wall under the dirty window. The wall beside the doorway held a well maintained weapons locker. The interior wall was bare. In the corner farthest from the door, at the foot of the cot, was a short table cover in a cloth and candles. Pictures adorned the wall behind the table. A small mannequin stood beside the table. It was dressed in the same type of clothing Sang wore. It also had on a blonde wig braided up around its head, the style similar to what Sang wore on a regular basis, only this was done with less skill. In fact, the mannequin held an uncanny resemblance to Sang, made more obvious by the smiling picture of Sang that created the mannequins face.

"Oh my god. He was obsessed with her. These pictures are of Sang as she grew up. She was a cute kid but definitely a kid. There are multiple pictures from each year obviously taken at camp without her knowledge." Kota exclaimed, picking up a paper that was on the table. "This is a camp evaluation from when she was ten. The real one, not the one sent home with her."

"The others need to know what we found. I know we should tell Sang but I don't want to." Victor spoke from the door, "Jed's obsession was creepy. He was old enough to be her father and he wanted her from the time she was a child. Knowing this is going to hurt her."

The two men left the room and closed the bookshelf. "We'll deal with that later, for now let's just clean up in here and see if the computer still works." Kota directed. Victor quickly agreed and the two went back to cleaning the office.

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