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(Y/N) pov

I flinch as the sword hits the ground. Fushimi walks closer to me. "I know what you've been doing (Y/N), you joined the red clan," he says with a wide smile.

I kick up my sword, "oh yeah? Who says I belong to anyone?" I try slicing into his arm but he dodges.

"You know, (Y/N), if I go back injured it'll only make your situation worse," he stares me down, "others will find out."

Rolling my eyes, I sigh. "I gave your King mercy," I admit, "I had my sword to his throat, if he moved I would've killed him. He begged, begged, for me to spare him."

Fushimi shakes his head. "Nothing could ever happen to my King, especially you!" He yells.

I groan and sheathed my sword, "I don't have time for you, I have somewhere I need to be."

His smile widens, along with his eyes. "You don't happen to be falling in love with Misaki, (Y/N)?" He teases.

"He prefers Yata, and no. Love is nothing for me, I need no distractions in my line of work," I say and begin walking off but then stop at Fushimi's next words.

"You two certainly can't keep quiet when things happen," he mumbles.

I throw my hand up, "that's enough!"

He sighs, "if the spoiled princess wants it, she'll always get it."

No other words were spoken as he leaves.

I arrive at the doors of the bar, considering if I want to walk into the doors or not. I make my choice and walk into the bar. "Hey, look who finally showed up," Yata jokes and kisses my forehead before anyone could see, "where were you?"

"I had business to take care of," I say.

It was kind of business but not at the same time. "Everyones been waiting, come on," Yata says and shoves me to one of the barstools. I suddenly remember the voice recorder I had placed.

Reaching under the barstool I had placed it under, my eyes widen as I realize it was gone. "Looking for this?" Izumo says quietly and holds up the voice recorder.

I look away and lie, "what is that?"

He shakes his head and places it on the bar. "You're a terrible liar, if you simply tell me why you placed it there," he motions to the stool I'm sitting on and lowers his voice even more, "I won't tell anyone in the clan about you placing a recorder, and what happened with Yata."

I huff and cross my arms, leaning forward. "I know what you all know, I wanted to see how you all talk about me when I'm not around," I mumble.

Yata leans on the bar, "what ya guys talking about?"

"Nothing important, just answering questions," I say and shake my head.

"Well it seems like you two are done now, we have a job to investigate something," Yata says, beginning to straighten out his posture.

I sit up straight, "what's it for?"

"It seems there was a break in at your apartment," he says.

I jump up and grab the recorder from Izumo's hands. "I'll be taking that now," I say and quickly pocket the recorder, "let's get going."

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