Chapter 11

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After the deal is struck between the two men, Kylo finds himself rushing home to deliver the outstanding news. Lendix assures Kylo he'd be standing by his tablet for the next three hours, ready to accept Kylo's list of needs for Lucille no matter how long it was. He knew her mother would be elated; she would be receiving far more than diapers. He barrels through the door and calls her name only to have his mood do a complete 180 as his woman walks around one of the pillars looking to be in complete distress. Lucy sits happily sucking on her fist in her mother's arms, and Kylo is always happy to see her eyes open wide and her mouth fall open to voice her excitement to see him.

"Wasn't the pediatrician supposed to come today?" She asks him, and Kylo has to confront his own actions. He doesn't know what to say to her, doesn't know how to accurately explain his fears of losing them and what the General had threatened to do, so he doesn't. He changes the subject entirely, instead giving her his good news in the only way he knew how.

"What does she need?" He asks, moving his eyes to Lucy and smiling as she begins to chirp at him.

"What?" Her mother asks, but before he can repeat the question she speaks once more. "She needs a pediatrician to look at her." Kylo finds her pressing to be a detriment to him, seeing as though he's following the orders she's given him. They could talk about the lack of a pediatrician visit later. For now, he had good news.

"She isn't sick, her bones aren't broken. She doesn't need to see a ped right now." He urges, taking his woman by the shoulders and pushing her further into their home. She begins to protest, bouncing Lucy in her arms and she, too, starts to jabber over the both of them. Kylo can't take it anymore. He wants them to be happy and he wants it now. "Please, tell me what she needs here."

"Kylo, I don't understand--" She started, but Kylo once again finds himself speaking over her to get his point across.

"Diapers, wipes, clothing?" He could go on, but she just stares brokenheartedly at him. Kylo lets a frustrated sigh slip past his lips. He didn't mean to get so angry at her. He knows she's just looking out for Lucille, but he couldn't take the risk. He vows that, if there ever comes a time where she needs immediate medical attention, he wouldn't hesitate to call a pediatrician. But she was the picture of health now, from what Kylo could see. "Look, you told me the other day we needed stuff for her. I'm here to tell you that I have a solution, and I need to know what she needs so I can get it for her." He nearly begs for her understanding. Lucy's fist once again ends up in between her jaws as her attention fell from Kylo to her own body, going back to her own world as her parents went back to bickering above her.

"She needs diapers, Kylo." His woman said as she turned away from him, heading back into the living room from where she came. "And a pediatrician visit." He heard her say glumly as she walked away with his daughter in her arms. Kylo was upset. He had caused this turmoil just trying to keep them safe, and here it was bringing his woman down. He feels guilty, but he knows he has to care for his daughter. He'd have to order her supplies for himself. Even if she does come up with something she needs Lendix was only a message away.

Kylo spends the next hour upstairs disassembling his belongings and talking on the phone with Lendix. He soaks in the information Ledix feeds him, writing down each and every item on top of the blueprint for his handmade crib: A swing, a bouncy seat, little dresses and bows, socks, and toys. The planning excited Kylo. He was feeling more like a father than he ever felt, especially when Lendix offered to order his wife her own set of clothing too. He knew she was in a foul mood at the moment, but he thought providing her with her own clothing that wasn't so comically oversized would make her happy.

"If you're going through with hiding them, you'll have to be careful with their clothing." Lendix says, but Kylo already knew this. He thought he could get by sneaking his family's clothing to the washrooms on board his ship at night when most people were asleep, but Lendix gave Kylo a better, more hands on idea. Kylo could have his own laundry area where his family's clothes could be washed while his was still sent out. It would be more work, but it was work he was willing to put in if it meant his family would be safe. He agreed to make himself available for a technician to put in a washer and dryer unit, and then agreed on a timeline for his delivery. The diapers and clothing would show up first, then a few days later he'd deliver the swing and bouncy seat and any other furniture Kylo wanted, and finally he'd deliver each and every toy Kylo chose. It sounded like the perfect plan to keep his family safe and all to himself.

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