Dracos boyfriend? (Part 1)

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Harry's POV

It's so annoying.

Every day Draco fucks with me and that bastard doesn't even know it. He just walks across the halls, gracefully. While I suffer behind him watching his hips sway side to side...Even though I can't see through his painfully thick robes, I know he has an adorable arse behind them, and I need to see it. Touch it. Taste it. Fuc—

"Harry Potter!"

Hermione yelled, as she smacked my head with a book. I yelped in pain.

"What was that for?!? That bloody hurt!"

Hermione looked offended. She then, pointed at Draco and I went beat red.


"Look I don't care if she's a Slytherin, but don't stare at the poor girl like that!"

Hermione was almost yelling now. In a library of all places. I looked over at the trio. Blaise, Pansy, and the adorable Draco Malfoy.

"I wasn't starring at Parkinson."

"I don't care! We all made an agreement not to talk to each other! I don't want you to go and start trouble!"

"Fine, fine. I'll keep my eyes to myself."

Oh, there's no way in hell I'm doing that.

Truth be told I now hate that stupid agreement. I miss Draco's sassy remarks. The was his eyes light up when he's won an argument. That mischievous smirk that would always trace his lips.
Despite Hermione's strict orders. I sneak a glance at Draco.
I'm surprised to see him starring at me, or at least in my direction. His face turns red as he looks at me wide eyed. It takes everything in me but I manage to form a calm smile. I was still blushing, there was no stopping it, but I had to see his reaction.
It was somehow a good and bad one. As soon as I smiled at him he fell over. Hitting his head on the floor. He got up and started rubbing his head. So I walked over calmly, while Hermione gave me a death stare.

Draco's POV

What is ScarHead thinking?!?

When you catch someone staring at you you are supposed to:
A: Wave
B: Stare back
C: Look away


I rubbed my sore head in shame. Then I saw a hand reach out to me. I thought it was Pansy so I took the very firm, warm hand and pulled myself up. As soon as I was back on two feet I looked up, and almost fell over again.

I was holding Harry's hand.

"You okay Malfoy?"

"I-I'm fine..."

All I could do was stare. I knew I was blushing. I didn't really care. Then...

He bloody let's go!

"Well I'm going to get back before Hermione kills me....See you later!"

What just happened?

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