I found you

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Warnings: Smut
A/U: Muggle high school/ collage

Draco and Harry use to date back in high school. Draco was a sophomore at the time, while Harry was a senior. They had a very good relationship, and they loved each other, but.... Draco knew Harry was going away to start his career when he graduated, and Draco planed on going to collage. He knew they would barely see each other, and he felt it was best to break things off before the inevitable happened.
It happens on Harry's graduation. At this point the two have been dating for 8 months now, and they have never had sex. Harry was waiting for the day Draco said he was ready. So Draco gave Harry his graduation present in the form of consent. Draco was vergin, so he was very weak. Despite this Draco encouraged Harry to do what ever he pleased. By the end of the night they had, had 3 rounds. Draco was sore beyond all belief, but he knew it was the least he could do, knowing how much he was about to hurt Harry.
The next morning Draco left his goodbye note and fled to another state. This broke Harry, but instead of crying he searched. He checked all Draco's social media accounts, but they had been deleted. Draco figured Harry would move on eventually, but the words 'move on' were not in his vocabulary. Harry had decided that he was going to spend the rest of his life with Draco, and nobody could change his mind.
Harry had his deceased parents will, that he gets when he's 18. His father told him to use that money towards his future, and to spoil the hell out of his wife and kids. So Harry knew just what to do with the money.
Every week he spent at a different city that he think Draco would wish to live in, knowing that someday he would find him.

And he would never fucking let him go again.

3 Years later
Draco was still in collage, swamped with student loans. He had made many collage friends throughout his time there. He had, had a few boyfriends but they were all just to keep his mind off him... No matter how hard he tried he could not get over his high school boyfriend, there are times where he wished he stayed.....
Right now draco was getting dressed, getting ready to celebrate Pansy's birthday. Pansy was an old friend for high school, and they had somehow managed to get put in the same dorm.
Draco groined in frustration. Pansy was a party girl, she liked clubs and drinking. Draco in the other hand would rather die, but Pansy is his best friend. She happened to pick a her favorite club to celebrate her birthday. Draco was not looking forward to it.
He looked though his and Pansy's shared closet trying to decide what to wear. He was tempted to wear a skirt, but he knew better than to show up to a club in a skirt.
In the end he chose a simple, but cute outfit. He had on some black skinny jeans, with a green T-shirt tucked in to them. His short hair was curled to form waves, and he had a simple black choker around his neck. Now that he was dressed, he grabbed his phone, grabbed her present, and slipped on his green boots. Then he walked out the door, and texted pansy to get the address.
Harry was now looking around the city of New York, heading towards one of the collages to ask around about Draco. He was walking the the busy streets, and suddenly heard a burst of familiar loud music. He looked across the street to see a club. One drink couldn't hurt, why not...? He thought, while he prepared to cross the street. Then he saw someone walking towards the club. All he could see was his pale skin, his blond hair, and his obvious love for the color green. He told himself not to get his hopes up as he crossed the street. The blond got out his phone as soon as Harry got close.
"You sure this is the right club? It looks... sexual"
". . ."
"Easy for you to say, I've had sex once and until I find someone else like him I'm keeping it that way."

Sounding good so far...it might be him...

". . ."

"Remind me again why I have to be here?"

". . ."

"Yes I know it's your birthday but—"

". . ."

"Don't you Draco me I don't want to get drunk or laid!"


Draco hung up the phone and went inside. Meanwhile Harry could not be more excited. He walked in behind Draco and told the security guard that he would give him 20 bucks to not let that blond leave unless it was with him. The guard said no, so Harry handed him a hundred.
Works ever time~
Draco's POV
I walked in the club and started looking for pansy. Then I feel someone grab my waist from behind.
"What the fuck do you think your doing!?!?!?"
I was silenced by a low seductive voice in my ear.
"Shhh...It's okay darling...I found you...."
I felt his grip tighten on my waist, almost painfully.

"And your never getting away from me again..."

Harry. It's Harry. Oh my god. I can't breath. Wait—What's that—oh my....He's hard! He's very very hard! "Mmmmm~" he mumbled into my neck. He left small kisses on the side, then went up and nibbled on my ear. "H-Harry..." he laughed, very seductively against my ear. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine.
"You have no fucking idea how long I've waited to hear you say my name..."
Then without warning he starts sucking on my neck. "A-ah~...Harr—mhmm~" he started to suck harder. I can feel his tough and his teeth on my skin. Every where he touches is making me feel hotter by the second. He finishes his mission, and picks his head up to admire his work. I for some reason already knew that I would not be able to hide that hickey. I almost forgot about his cock until I felt it get harder and push up against me. I let out a moan to loud for my liking.
"I'm not getting laid huh...? Oh wait, is that Harry???"
"Hey Pansy." He looked up for a second, then continued to attack my neck.
"He found me...I don't know how—Ah~!... But he found me..." I could barely speak, he started grinding his hips into me. I could be wrong but I felt like he was telling me that he didn't like the distraction.
"Well you told me that you wouldn't have sex again until someone like Harry came along...Well I think the most 'like Harry' person there is, is currently kissing your neck." I could feel him smile into my skin.
"Yeah, yeah. Here's your gift Pansy, I'll have to skip the party..."
I motioned for Potter to let me go so I could turn around, he let me go (barely) and I spun around and put my arms around his neck. Almost instantly I felt him grip my arse.
"I have other places I need to be..."
I don't think Potter could talk it anymore , because me moved his hand to my head and smashed his lips into mine. It was a very heated yet passional kiss, after a minute he turned it into a French kiss, but I didn't mind.
Words can not describe how much I've missed this, this kiss, these hands, that voice, him....

Part 2?

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