Draco's Boyfriend? (Part 3)

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Draco's POV

I sat down in my seat next to pansy and waited. Then Snape spooks up.

"Okay class, we have a new transfer student. He will be joining us for the rest of the semester. No one cause him any trouble. I'm talking about you, Mr. Potter." Harry grunted from the opposite side of the room. "Continuing on, dose anyone want to offer a seat for the new student.?" Snape said.
Just then the devil walked in. With a innocent smile. "Actually professor, I actually know one of my classmates, is it okay if I sit with him?" The idiot announced.
"I suppose so, who might this friend of yours be?"
"He's sitting right there," he motions at me, "Hi Draco!" I give him a death stare, then turn to pansy for help. Pansy being the slytherin she is, attempted to save me.
"With all due respect sir, Draco is helping me get by in this class. I would worry that my grade would suffer if I was forced to move away from him. He is very knowledgeable in this subject. I'm just looking out for you sir, if my parents found my grade do down, I would not want them to use their authority to cause unnecessary problems for you professor."
Yeah right, Pansy's a genius and would never need my help in this class. (I'm still smarter than her shut up) Although unfortunately for me, said professor is Snape. If he were anyone else it would have worked, but he's Snape.

"Pipe down, Miss. Parkinson. Mr. Wood will sit where I decide he is best suited, and I decide that he shall sit next to Mr. Malfoy." Kill me now. Pansy looked at me with sympathy in her eyes.
"It's okay Pans, you tried. I'll be fine." She walked away and sat next to Blaise without another word. Justin sad down next to me, too close for my liking. I shivers as I felt hot breath against my ear.
"Long time no see Draco~ You ready to fulfill your end of the deal?" Hearing that almost made me want to curse the class just so he would go away. Although, I know he will find me. "Y-yes..." I feel pathetic. I'm like a helpless animal. There's nothing I can do. Malfoy's always keep their word, my father would be furious if he found out I didn't uphold my end of the deal. Granted, he doesn't know what my end is...

"Now, now students quiet down."
I faced Snape, determined to keep my eyes away from the devil sitting next to me. Then I heard it a silent spell. A spell I know all to well. A spell that I got away from when I fled to hogworts. Yet, here it is. He mumbled the words to the spell silently, and moved his wand under the table. Then it took effect. A plug that I'm guessing he had stored in his bag was shoved into my arse. I felt my walls try to accommodate to it as it came out of no where. I wanted to scream back in pain, but I'll I could do was clasp now hand around my mouth and try to stop the tears from falling.
Merlin I must look like a joke...
Snape didn't seem to realize and only part of the class noticed. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder in concern, it was Harry.
"You okay Malfoy?" The whole class was now listening, including Snape. I can't respond, if I do I'll scream! I just sat there hand over my mouth, crying. "Malfoy?" The genuine worry in his voice would under different circumstances, set my heart a flame, but this was not one of those times. I looked to my left, to face the devil, and I nearly fainted. He was flicking his wand and mumbling under the table. The second part of the spell....! The plug at least 10 inches long started to move. I sat down to make sure no one would see, but I couldn't stop what's about to happen. Tears were streaming down my face, and I let out a somewhat quiet scream. I wasn't facing Snape, when I heard he speak up.
"Mr. Malfoy please—" he stoped when he saw me face him. I am his godson, and he cares about me even if it's just a little bit. "Mr. Malfoy is there a p-problem?" He was obviously shocked. I tried to talk. To say help. To say anything. I was about to, but then with a flick of his wand he shut me up. He forced to plug in deeper, fast and hard. No mercy. It was now several to deep to even see correctly. I felt like I was being ripped apart. So I couldn't help but scream, and scream I did. I screamed so loud It hurt my ears. Justin however, wasn't about to end this. He was having to much fun. There was a silencing charm already put on me. I was stuck. I was a pathetic, shivering, crying, mess.
"This is completely normal sir. Trust me it seems like he's in pain but it's really just something that happens to his family. He just got unlucky enough to have it happen now. Once this is over he will be perfectly fine sir. He can continue on with class. I'm sure his father would agree don't you think?" Justin said with a smile that pains me. Snape knew something was wrong, but he knew that this kid was threatening him. He knew that whatever my father had to say about this would not be good for him..
"V-very well then.." The class was very scared. Pansy was beyond worried, same with Blaise. Some of the kids couldn't care less, others were sympathetic. The one person who I felt the most raw emotion coming from, was the boy behind me. Justin put his hand on my arse in victory. He then flicked his wand and the plug started moving again, one thrust after another. The silencing charm was there so I could scream, I just needed to look like a normal student. Some of the student we asking to be excused, most likely because they saw through Justin's bullshit story. Snape knowing that my father would be after them if he didn't comply, denied them, I wasn't even surprised when a tear fell down his cheek. Justin flicked his wand again and shoved it further up me. I screamed and ended up biting my hand. Which quickly started to bleed. I looked back at Harry who had a murderous look in his eye.

Harry's POV
I saw him. I fucking saw him. I don't know what he's fucking doing to Draco, but I know his story was bullshit. I looked down and saw his hand where mine should be and almost broke. Just when I was about to hex this jerk, I felt my world stop. Draco looked back at me, trembling, crying, and now bleeding.
That's fucking it.

Draco's POV
I heard shattering, and looked up to find everything glass in the room broken. Papers went flying, and many other things broke. The best part of it all Justin went flying across the room. I was bright lights and heard loud sounds, then silence.


I woke up to Harry running his fingers through my hair. I felt so clam, the pain was gone, Justin was gone, it's just Harry....

Harry's POV
I was admiring my sleeping beauty, as he slept. It feels so nice. To see him peaceful, no longer crying, no more tears, no more pain. I'm going to make sure he never cry's again... Then I see his eyes flutter open, and he looks at me, his blush impossible to hide. I can tell he's still tired.
"Harry?" My angel...I look down at him and leave my chair to sit next to him. He was in my bed. Once the teacher got me away from the devil himself. They helped my angel and took the plug out. When I found out it was there I broke a few windows by accident. Snape had to hold me down, because I wanted to go check on my angel, but my magic levels were unstable. They got me to quiet down by agreeing to let me look after him once fully healed.
And now here he was, my angel..."Shhh...sweetheart your okay~" Draco looked at me lazily. I moved my hand to my side, wondering if he wanted me messing with his hair. He grabbed it back, and I got the hint. I got closer to him and laid down with him. He moved closer into my chest, and still holding my arm put it on his shoulder, I got the picture and raped my arms around him.
I nuzzled my head in his hair. "I love you Draco—" I felt him flinch. "He's never going to get close to you again, whether you want me to or not I'm protecting you." I felt my shirt get wet, and looked down, I held his face. "No sweetheart don't cry I can't leave—"
"Shut up Potter, their happy tears. I love you too."
I wanted to kiss him, to mark him, to claim everything that demon ever dared to touch, but I know better. If he lets me one day I will, but I want nothing more than to hug him right now. Then I feel a pair of small soft plush lips meet mine. I kissed him back lovingly. "I'm tired but can you promise me something for tomorrow?"
"Anything, anything at all, want me to buy you the world you got it, anything, I'll do anything."
"Free me, free me of his touch, re claim every part of my and make it yours, and then touch it again and again." I hugged him tighter.
"As soon as you get rest, I'll free you."
"Oh, one more thing Harry!"
"Yes angel?"
"I think I can live without the world but someday can you buy me one thing?"
"What might that be sweetheart?"
"A diamond ring."

I know this is really bad and there's a lot of plot holes! 😓I honestly didn't know where I was going with this, I promise the rest of my stories will hopefully be better, if anyone wants to see what happens the next day I'll write it for you guys!

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