Not So Close; Prologue

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        If there was one thing I hated most in the world, it was taking on emotions I couldn't so easily brush off. When I say that, I mean those intense sensations that will swing like a gut punch, knocking every ounce of breath from your body and leave you gasping, needing so much more than just oxygen.

       I guess you could say that's exactly what happened when he told me how much he loved me. The words practically stumbled out of his pink lips like a bad joke, the delivery was warm but still sounded just as broken as I had imagined. That's how it felt in the moment for us I guess, it was a certain darkness that swallowed us up, chewing slightly, but not daring to spit out the young lovers too quickly.

        I know that bitter-sweet word had been dancing around our heads for months on end now, just teasing us at the thought of actually getting just what our damaged hearts had desired. My soul had spun its way into his hands, giving him full control and all the power he could possibly want. He had me and that's all that mattered. Luckily, when it came to letting that emotion control us, I'm assuming we would have continued to push it away, set it to the side for a later date. Now one those memories will always float around my mind with forever acknowledgment. 

        "When is it going to happen?"

My whisper barely carried over the sound of our scattered breathing, my nails gently tracing the faded lines of each tattoo exposed.

        "Why ask, darling?"

I felt his large hand move to the back of my neck, slowly trickling down my warm skin and only feeding into my ever-increasing heartbeat.

     "When are you going to start pretending like these past few months have been nothing to you?"

    My confidence finally broke the surface and I shifted my weight onto my elbows, staring deeper into his green orbs. I observed wearily as his tired grin spread further into a kiddish smirk.

      "Kitten, you know that's not what I'm doing." 

His pronounced jaw moving ever so slightly with each word. I ignored his claim, fixing my eyes on his chest and watching it move as he took a deep breath, waiting for me to fire back.

   "Be honest with me Harold. How close are you to cutting me off and throwing whatever we have out the window?" 

    I swallowed hard, not even wanting to hear his answer, despite being the fool who asked. I loved him and I was well aware, but was he? The answer he then gave to me was far from his ordinary, no longer dripping with sarcasm and laced with cockiness, he sounded genuine and warm. 

   His answer lingered heavy in the air, hundreds of questions pounding against my skull but there we were, tangled in the sheets, bodies pressed against each other and lips intertwined once more.

                                                       " Not so close."


     Hey, I seriously hope you enjoyed the exciting start of 'Not So close.'  It's almost three a.m and the inspo struck like never before.  If I laid everything out correctly you won't be too confused but the story actually starts in the next chapter. Feel free to comment any suggestions or how this sounded. I love you so much! <3


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