One step at a time

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         "Avani! Where the hell have you been?!" 

   A piercing bark echos through my head.  I can only let out a frustrated groan and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping if I stay quiet long enough, this will all go away.

"I asked you a damn question!"

 I can feel all eyes on me as I fully make my way into Mr. Drillion's office, setting the carrier filled with a variety of different coffees on his desk. Some assistant huh? I manage to shuffle my way through the two young men standing beside Drillion's desk and plop myself down in my little grey chair.

"I was getting your coffee, sir." I mutter using every ounce of self-control in my little body so I don't jump over this stupid fucking desk and rip his lame mustache off.

" 'Bout time." He murmurs half-heartedly, snatching the carrier towards him. As he slurps down his first black coffee, he pipes up. 

"I have a new assignment for you. I heard you bickering to Angelica 'bout your placement here, so I moved you." He perks up, glancing back to the men sitting in suits right behind me. My palms only grew sweatier against the wooden chair. I have spilled all my messy stories to that poor receptionist. I wonder how much he has heard...Wait what if he-

"Hello? I'm not paying you to daydream. Answer my question, Blackwood."

The styrofoam cup is tossed past my shoulder, bouncing onto the floor, quickly scooped up by one of the men. 

"Sorry, Sir. I must have missed it." 

I stammer, trying my best to put on a brave face. This could be a new world of opportunity or a whole new level of hell. Slaving away all through highschool, pulling perfect A's to get into my dream college was one thing, but instantly being tossed into the clutches of this asshole was something that 20-year-old me couldn't fathom. I was new to show business and wanted nothing more than to chase my dreams and all that sappy shit, but, that didn't happen. Now I'm still Mr.Drillions assistant at 22 and grabbing him the same four black coffees each morning, completely breaking my back at each command, just pawing at the opportunity to do something I actually love. 

"Well, since you young women are so bubble brained these days, allow me to slow myself down." He leans over the desk, pushing the limit as he stares down at me, coffee breath and all. 

"I'm transferring you over to Talent. You will be assisting some of the people Syco Records have signed. We partnered with them a few weeks ago and they are in need of little girls like you who will do anything for a paycheck. So, you are being promoted to assistant manager of whoever they decide to pair you with." He spits. 

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

With a quick clearing of my throat, I glance to the side, averting his gaze and breaking the silence. "Thank you. I will make you guys proud." I murmur, pushing out of the seat. My eyes move back to the mysterious men behind me. 

"Enjoy." I smirk, picking one of the coffee's up off his desk and chucking it against the paper-covered wall, watching the hot liquid drip down the grey paint. I can hear the smaller guy laugh a little as I spin on my heel. "Thank you for the horrible experience. I will leave a great review." I beam, sarcasm practically dripping off my lips. My final f you high in the air.

As I shoved my way through doors, I felt like a new woman. I'm starting my new job in an area I excel in, even if I'm starting as Assitant Manager, I know I'm capable of making my way to the top. What could possibly go wrong?

A boy, a stupid, oh so wonderful boy with a good set of lungs, but, we aren't to that part of the story yet. We are taking this one step at a time.


Hiiiii, I'm so sorry for the long wait butttttt, we get some Styles in the next chapter which will be posted tonight as well. Thank you so much for your patience!!

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