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"Right this way, your office is just around that corner miss, Blackwood." The woman I now know as Trina walks me down the long twisting hallways of Syco studios. My own office?! How fucking exciting! Back in Mr.Drillion's place, I didn't have an office, let alone a say in any situation. 

Here, for example, as soon as I walked in, they have someone at my side, taking note of my favorite things and helping me create my new schedule. I'm an assistant with my own assistant?!


"Ok, and it says you will be with Mr...give me a second." Trina palmed her way through a few files, tapping her manicured fingers across the keyboard a few times, then giving me a sly look.

"What?" An innocent, yet terrified snicker fell from my lips. "Did you ever listen to One Direction as a teenager?"  Trina beams, leaning forward on one palm and eyeing me carefully as if she was waiting for me to break out in a fangirlish scream.

 "Duh, who didn't." I giggled, trying my best to keep a straight, calm face, only allowing a sweet smile to tug on my lips. I already knew what was coming but I'm not entirely sure I was ready.

She just laughs, leaning back in her chair and flipping the beautiful brown curls off her shoulder. "Well, You are now the luckiest girl in this workplace. You have been assigned to Mr. Styles." She nods slightly, handing over a giant blue folder. 

"As in, Harry Styles? That Styles?" I can practically feel my heart doing backflips against my ribcage. I know we are supposed to be professional but I can already tell I'm gonna be close with Trina. A girl like me needs friends and it's my first day, I'm trying. "Indeed." She giggles again. "Good luck." She beams, nodding me away as the fog sets in. My mind is cluttering and I'm pretty sure I fumbled over my own feet as I skipped back to my office. 


After finding directions to my new schedule, I make my way over to the small recording studio Mr.Styles and Jeffery Azoff, his actual manager will be waiting. Judging on the looks and nods I got walking through the beautiful building, word has spread like wildfire that I'm the scared little Manager that didn't know where the tissues were. I know working in a giant industry like this, I'm going to have to grow in confidence and prove that I can kick ass, I have a lot to accomplish before that though, like finding the bathroom. But for now, I have to struggle through the first meeting of the day, then I can pee.

"Ok, second door on the left." A hum presses through me, my hands meeting the silver handle and pulling down. This moment is beyond important. Come on, Avani, you worked for this, show them you c- THUMP

"Oh, I'm sorry hun!"

I feel my body fall forward slightly,  colliding with the person in front of me and dropping the papers in my hand while I'm at it. Wow, I'm just on fire!

"It's fine, Apparently I don't know how to work a door" I mutter, dropping down to my knees and scooping the papers back against my chest, shuffling them between my shaking hands. 

"Oh, you must be, Avani?" The warm voiced man pokes his hand out, pulling me back to my feet again. "Guilty." A weak smile is plastered against my lips. "I'm Jeffery." He chuckles, plucking the papers from my hands and setting them aside as an offering I could relax now. I take this small window to take him in. Middle-aged, well built and seems to love Hawaiian button-ups, this is gonna be awesome.

"Listen I'm really sorry about that, It's only my first day and I'm nervous as all hell." My breathing seems to slow but my heart is still knocking against my chest with rhythm.

"Avani, really, it's ok. I was just the same way. From word 'round town, I'm aware that you are a serious sweetheart." He nods, beaming slightly as to make me comfortable in the already warm atmosphere. "That's a new way to pronounce, idiot." I giggle, making Jeff smile, standing back straight and glancing over my shoulder. 

"Our little songbird is in there, working on 'Two Ghosts' " I watch him make his way back over to the blue leather couch, taking a swig from a crumpled water bottle. 

"Perfect." I whisper, spinning on my heel to see my idol work away. I saw him in concert when I was about 17 and I think about it all the time. My tired voice screaming the lyrics like no one's business and crying at the same time, mascara running down my flushed cheeks. What a time to be alive.

Just as my eyes sweep over the booth, Harry glances up to say something to Jeff, I can see how focused he is, well that is until he spots little miss clutz. Me being the idiot I am, the first thing I think of is throwing a peace sign his way, so I do. Oh lord help me. "Oh, you two are gonna love each other." I hear a witty chuckle behind me, I can't concentrate through, Harry fucking Styles is smiling at me.


Ahhhhh, Is Harry gonna like Avani???? Maybe, now we wait until my lazy ass decides to finish the next chapter, Thank you so much for being patient. I love you so much!!!- Kylie 

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