"Longer than you'd like."

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*2 months later*

My hair messily flopped in front of my eyes, whipping back and forth as I danced around the studio, clumsily twirling to one of Harry's amazing songs. Something about the beat just pulsed through me and gave me a whole new energy I didn't realize I was capable of taking on.

"When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus and she wears a black dress, oh she's such an actress!"
The words melted over me as I spun around, giggling uncontrollably, Kiwi is definitely the best song on this album.

Harry disappeared a while ago, I'm assuming to grab food or something of the sorts, Jeff was in another boring meeting, and I got left in the studio with the giant speakers and Harry's amazing music. Perfect mix.

I finally closed my eyes, letting the music completely take over as I pranced around the giant room, grabbing random items in place of a mic, already knowing the chorus after the first few times of listening to the song on repeat.

I slipped my shoes off, allowing myself to perform my private show in more comfort. I slightly pushed my hand into my hair, seductively moving my hips back and forth, making effort to bite at my red-stained lips, as a smile dripped across my face.

As the last note slowly faded, I collapsed on the couch, panting and completely exhausted. I can feel the room slowly stop spinning as my eyes drift closed, that is until I hear his voice cut through the warm air.

"That was entertaining."

His charming laugh snaps me into my oh so embarrassing reality. My body jolts up and my eyes widen in panic, I can feel my face flushing a deep red.

"How long have you been watching?" I manage to squeak, quickly moving to my feet and stumbling around, attempting to find my discarded sandals. He only chuckles in amusement as I wobble around.

"Longer than you'd like." He peers over the small tray of snacks and coffee, spotting my heel and grabbing it off the fuzzy carpet for me. This only causes me to watch, mortified as Harry Styles hands me my old black shoe, smirking in the process.

"Don't worry, hun. It was cute." he nods, brushing it off like him complimenting me was no big deal, only adding to the red in my cheeks.

"I think your definition of cute is a little out of wack." I giggle, tucking a strand of frizzy hair behind my ear. My body plops onto the big black couch, as I try to slip my sandal on but I soon feel his grip on my wrist, popping the shoe out of my hand.

"No, this dance party isn't over yet." He says, barely above a whisper as he wiggles his eyebrows, earning another laugh from me as I watch him goofily prance across the room to his cup of coffee.

"Consider this a dance battle then." I smirk, moving to my feet again and skipping to the soundboard, eyeing him as I turn on 'Golden'. I can only see his smirk.

"I take it you are loving the album so far?" He tilts his head in a puppy-like fashion.

"It's amazing, Styles." I laugh, meeting him back in the middle of the floor, my eyes dancing across his expression, trying to read his flirtatious mood.

Before I know it, Harry is jumping around, singing along with himself, hopping onto the couch, throwing a form of jazz hands in my direction. I simply join in with him, twirling around and lip-syncing the words, living through each lyric and getting lost in the moment as we spun around together.

"You're so golden!"

Our yells melt into a fit of laughter as he grabs my hands, tossing me into a moment of vulnerability. Is this wrong, because it feels so right?

My head ventures into imagination and I begin wondering what it would be like to hold his hands all the time. I could feel each line and curve in his palms as they pressed against mine. It was heaven being held so close, a feeling I haven't taken on since my senior year of high school. My eyes eventually wander back up and at this point, we are just slow dancing, swaying back and forth as I beam. I'm not even sure how we started slow dancing to a song like Golden but hey, I'm really not complaining.

"You are a pretty good dancer for an assistant manager." His gaze averts back down to our feet, watching them step to and froe, I join along.

"Pretty damn good." I add, only wanting to hear his amazing laugh once more.

"Hey, there. Don't get cocky." I feel him pop my wrist, making me snicker instead. With Harry, you couldn't ever really tell which side of him you were going to get, either goofy and childlike, or his sassy, almost sexy mood in which he just stayed quiet and focused. I didn't always like that mood. I have been working with Jeff and Harry for almost two months now, it's been amazing and I've come to realize how damn lucky I am. As the song slowly comes to an end, a thought rushes into my mind.

"Harry?" I whisper, my voice only picking up when his head does as well.

"Yes?" He nods, leading me into a little twirl, then returning me back into the spot against his chest.

"Have I thanked you and Jeff lately?" My teeth move down onto my lip, tugging it slightly and letting it bounce back into place. To say my nerves were high right now is purely and understatement. 

"Not sure. You probably should though." He replies smoothly, allowing the words to drag on. I just roll my eyes in response to his sly remark.

"Ok, asshat. I seriously just meant I wanted to thank you for everything you two have given me the past few months," I whisper meekly, dropping my head slightly so my eyes don't water. I can just hear him let out a quick sigh, his warm palm slipping from my wrist and up to my chin, tilting my view up once more.

"I'm not letting you cry on my watch." He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. 

I just laugh again, my eyes smiling up at him.

I may not be super close with Jeff and Harry right now but its a hell of a lot closer than we were a few months back. The little bonds that have been working their way into our lives meant so much.

 "I was just so used to being shoved around and walked all over. It was hell and now I get to work with one of my idols!? This building is filled with amazing people-" Tears begin spilling over my flushed cheeks as old memories rush into my head. He quickly stops it tho, pulling my head onto his warm chest and coos,

"You're too pretty to cry." He emits in a silvery tone, keeping my interest peaked as I gaze up at him.

"Thank you for everything you have helped me through these past few years."

I coo, my fingertips bending slightly in a way to hold his hand, he returns the favor, cradling me against his broad chest. I could feel every breath and the rhythmic sound of his heart could have easily put me to sleep. I hate how cliche it is but, From the Dining Table, a song Harry just started working on, began to play and my heart dropped into my stomach. This can't be right. I craned my head to the side slightly and I caught sight of Jeff crouched over by the booth, tapping away at few buttons, smirking at me like an amused child. THAT AMAZING MAN. My gaze quickly averted back to Harry so I wouldn't make it too obvious that we were no longer alone. A feeling we would no longer have if Harry discovered our visitor. It wasn't right anyway, I can't have a crush on someone I work alongside. With that thought now floating around my head, I stepped away, pushing my palms against my jeans, laughing nervously.

"Well, you have proven you're a better dancer." I nod, moving back to the couch to grab my sandals. He just stays silent for a minute, studying each move I made.

"I didn't have to prove anything Blackwood." He teases, "We already knew that."

I just roll my eyes, Jeff cutting in before I can make a sassy remark.

"Im back!"

He cheered, setting a stack of papers down on the brown table, alongside my laptop and coffee cup.

"Oh joy." Harry and I murmur in unison, both of our tones dripping with sarcasm. It takes us a second to realize what happened but Jeff catches wind pretty quickly, making a note to keep us separated more often. As we settled in with our snacks and began brainstorming for a few new song ideas, my mind ventured elsewhere, wondering when Harry would be holding me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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