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 Meeting Harry for the first time was a moment I don't think I will ever forget. His charming smile, warm hands, stupid sexy everything. He made it almost impossible to properly function, even if he wasn't trying.

I watched closely, twiddling my thumbs as Harry stepped out of the booth, closing the door behind him with a quick 'thunk'. 

"You must be my new babysitter." He teased, offering his hand out in a handshake. Ok, now's the time for my mouth to work, huh? Nope. I just kind of stared at him, swaying gently side to side. Don't pass out in front of your first client! Now, instead of shaking my hand, he was sweeping his arms under mine, holding me against his chest as my knees buckled. 

"Ms. Blackwood, are you ok?" He chuckled, slightly panicked as he had to hold me, Jeff grabbing another water from the small fridge.

"Yes." I managed to finally spit something out, standing up straight again, my hand swiftly moving to my temple. My throat quickly cleared again as I held my head up. "I'm just nervous, I didn't sleep well last night." I choke, averting my gaze, this is fucking embarrassing.

"No need to be nervous. Harry acts like a toddler the majority of the time, don't worry about impressing us." Jeff sneers with a chuckle, earning a slug on the arm from a now blushing Harry. I could feel his eyes burning into me. A cold water bottle is slid into my hands and I quickly pop off the top, pushing it against my dry lips.

Meanwhile, Harry's giant warm hands stayed in place, sliding down onto my back and rubbing gently. What in hell is happening, I mean, I'm not complaining but holy shit. He quickly catches himself and nods, parting his hands from my body and tossing his attention to Jeff.

"I'm actually a huge fan. I saw you and the rest of the guys when I was about 17. It really made up for the 6 years of teen angst." I finally feel myself smiling as I stare up at him, tugging at my lower lip as the nerves begin to fade. 

"Oh really?" His charming accent caught me off guard once more, capturing my full attention.


A kiddish squeak falls from my lips, our eyes never leaving one another's dorky grin. The only way I could ever describe the situation was our eyes simply 'dancing' across each other's features, drinking everything in. As I was mapping everything out, I couldn't help but wonder how soft his lips were, what his hands felt like against my bare skin, how it would feel when he completely dem-

"Alright, quit flirting. Let's go down for some bagels!" A now familiar voice cuts through my daydreams, stabbing into my fantasies and dragging me into reality. Harry and I both took another step apart as if to prove we weren't in such awe of one another as he was making it out to be.

"I'm sorry, bagels?" I giggle, my palm moving to my lips as I hide my smile. "Muffins are much better." I protest, my heel digging nervously into the carpet as my vision moved back to a laughing Styles. 

 "Oh honey, you are gonna love it here."


YEAHHHHHHHHH, we finally got some Style's action! Whoop whooooppppp. Much more to come next chapter. Stay posted cuties! Much love!- Kylie

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