Braaaaain Implaaaaants...!

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Braaaaain implaaaants

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Braaaaain implaaaants...!

That's what I imagine a far-future sci-fi zombie out in space would be hungry for. All the components and metals used in the manufacturing of brain implants are pretty tasty, after all. And expensive! What extravagant tastes space-zombies have!

Isn't all zombie fiction technically science fiction? Sure, I guess, but not really. Fantasy has seen its fair share of zombies. It's really what causes the outbreak more than the setting, I would think. After all, voodoo zombies very well could be a true-crime story. Or voodoo could be scientifically explained in a futuristic world? Woah.

The Zombie SF found in these pages could be as mild as lightly speculative zombie fiction. They may touch your heart, they may horrify you, they may even make you laugh. You may even find some of the wickedest zombies-eating-your-ass-in-a-derelict-space-station science fiction out there.

Let's make it happen, mothertroopers.

And welcome to the first "spooky" October issue we've done in quite some time! It's a big one!


Tevun-Krus #83 - Zombie SFWhere stories live. Discover now