Zone Out

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It was the month of April. A full moon shone brightly in the cloudless sky. Thanks to the city lights, only a few stars could be seen. The night was chilly, but it was the kind of chilly that made you want to pull on your favorite hoodie and hang out on the porch with your friends. Along with our footsteps, the only sounds I could hear were a few crickets singing in the background and an occasional car passing by. The night felt perfect.

I was nervous, my hands shaking and sweaty. I looked over at Presley as she walked next to me with her arm wrapped around mine. She looked so good, it made it hard for me to breathe. She was wearing a dark green prom dress about the same color as her brilliant eyes. Her perfectly curled brown hair bounced as she walked, and her big smile beamed at me as she caught my gaze.

We had just finished dancing the night away at our high school prom, and now I was slowly walking her up to the front door of her house. I walked slowly because I had seen this moment in all the movies and T.V. shows. It was the moment that would either make me the happiest or the most miserable guy alive. I don't know anyone who would want to rush that.

We climbed the steps to the front door and stopped. We turned to face each other, the porch light shining right above our heads.

"I honestly had the time of my life tonight, Chaz," Presley said, staring into my eyes.

"Me too," I replied, trying not to avoid her gaze too much.

She reached out and grabbed my hands. "You were such a fun date! And your dance moves are pretty cool."

"Hah, thanks." That was all I managed to get out of my mouth. The suspense of the moment was killing me.

"Today has been just about perfect. You've been such a gentleman, and so sweet to me. There's probably only one thing that could make it better."

"Yeah? What's that?" I asked as she moved a little closer. I could tell from her shaky hands that she was getting just as nervous as I was. I asked what it was, but I already knew the answer, I just couldn't believe it was really happening. I knew exactly what to do, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My heart hammered so hard in my chest, I felt like I was going to choke. I had better make my move before things got awkward.

I closed my eyes and started to move in and–

"Chavez . . . Chavez!"

I opened my eyes and I was no longer with Presley on her porch. I was in my high school geology class, and it wasn't even April. It was March and the prom was still a month away. Disappointed, I looked around my classroom, taking in the bland walls covered in maps and posters of foreign countries. I turned my attention to my classmates and saw the usual scene of everyone trying not to fall asleep to Mr. Durham's lecture.

Turning to my left, I found one of my best friends, Isaac, staring back at me with an annoyed look on his face. Normally, Isaac wore a small grin on his face like he knew everyone thought he was the coolest in school, and he actually kind of was. He was good-looking and tall, he had tan skin and an athletic build. And on top of it all, he knew how to make everyone laugh.

"Chaz, I thought you said you were going to quit doing that," Isaac whispered, replacing his annoyed look with a grin. "I almost had to resort to using your full name to get you back to reality."

My full name was Chavez Matthew Anderson, but only my family and close friends knew that. Everyone else knew me as Chaz. I started going by Chaz when I realized that Chavez was actually a Hispanic last name. I wasn't Hispanic and I already had a last name.

Dreamchasers: The Gift of VisionsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum