What Did I Get Myself Into?

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Chaz. Chaaaaaaaz."

Was that Juliet? I opened my eyes and realized it had all been in my head. I was still standing in front of the mirror in the changing stall. My hands were shaking, and I was breathing pretty hard. It had felt so real. If I really could see the future, then I was going to die in this place, and It would be soon. I didn't look any older in that daydream. What did I get myself into? Was there even a way out? I desperately hoped this whole day was nothing but a bad dream, one that I wouldn't come back to.

"Chaz, are you okay?" Autumn's voice rose from outside the stall, instantly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"He's probably embarrassed because his pants are too tight," Juliet said.

"I'm coming out," I finally said.

I opened the door and stepped out of the stall to find Juliet, Autumn and Gretchen all staring at me.

"Oh! You look so handsome!" Gretchen exclaimed.

"You look depressed," Juliet stated. "Were you crying in there?"

"No, I wasn't crying," I insisted. "I just kind of zoned out for a second."

"Did you have a vision?" Gretchen asked excitedly. "If you did, make sure to remember it. They are very sacred."

"Okay." I didn't want to talk about it at all. I looked at Autumn, just barely noticing her blue and brown knee-length dress. "Autumn, you look good in medieval clothing."

Juliet's eyes went wide, and she made an 'O' shape with her mouth. I instantly regretted complementing Autumn. She wouldn't let me live it down.

"Thanks, Chaz," Autumn replied, her face turning a little red. "You look great too."

Gretchen handed me and Autumn each another pile of clothing. "Here is an extra change of clothes and some sleepwear. If you need any of your clothing mended or a better variety, make sure you come straight to me."

"Thank you so much," Autumn said.

"Yeah, thank you," I added.

"It's my pleasure," Gretchen said with a small bow. "Anything for the future heroes of our world."

"Well, we need to go now," Juliet said, already walking away. "See you later, Gretchen."

"See you, sweet darlings later," the woman called after us as we followed Juliet out of the room.

After we entered the stairwell, Juliet said, "You kind of have to just leave or else she won't stop talking."

When we reached the Wakers' hall, Juliet showed Autumn where our bedrooms were and had her pick one. Autumn chose the one in between mine and Juliet's. Once inside Autumn's new room, she and Juliet took a seat on the bed and I sat on a chair in the corner.

"All right, it's time to come clean and share what you're feeling," Juliet said. "Why are you scared of joining the Dreamchasers?"

"There's a lot of reasons," Autumn answered sadly. "I just feel like I'm going to let everyone down, you know? I'm just a normal high schooler. I'm not a warrior, I can't fight monsters. How am I supposed to be the hero they need?" She started to tear up a little bit. "I'm so scared. I didn't ask for any of this. Why can't I have more time to decide?"

I knew exactly how she was feeling, I was scared too. I just wanted to go back to my normal life and pretend like this never happened. And maybe I would after I woke up and realized it was all a dream.

"Don't worry, Autumn," Juliet said, rubbing her back. "We're all scared. Me and Chaz are in the same boat as you. We didn't ask for any of this. We're both just normal kids too." She turned to me. "Chaz, what made you decide to fight for the Dreamchasers?"

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