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At the Hyoudou household, Mr and Mrs Hyoudou run around packing not only their suitcases but also Issei's and his harem's suit cases.

"Honey, where's the toothbrushes?" Mrs. Hyoudou asks while stuff some close into a suitcase.

"They're already packed. What about the back up battery packs?" Mr. Hyoudou asks?

"Already done. Is Issei's bag packed I already did the girl's bags." Mrs. Hyoudou asks her husband.

"Packed and ready to go, we'll hit the road as soon as everyone gets home." Mrs. Hyoudou states as conveniently the door to the house opens to reveal Issei and the girls.

"The hell?" Issei asks ss he sees his parents running around in order to pack multiple bags at once. "What's going in, you two going vacation?" Issei asks as his father puts a large vacation bag in his hands.

"Nope we're all going to Osaka!" Mrs. Hyoudou shouts in joy

"What, why and how are you able to afford a trip like that for all of us?" Issei questions

"We're not, your brother is." Mr. Hyoudou smiles

"Wait what!" Issei shouts. "Rei actually sent us money to take a trip?" Issei questions

"You have a brother?" Rias questions as Issei turns to face her.

"Yeah, Rei Hyoudou. My older brother." Issei states. "He left home while I was still an infant and hasn't been back since." Issei states

"Sounds like you don't like him all that much." Akeno says as she scoots closer to Issei

"Of course. He just up and left ine day and never came back. Bastrad didn't even write." Issei says as he crosses his arms

"Wait honey you never told him?" Mrs. Hyoudou asks as she looks toward her husband.

"I thought you told him." Mr. Hyoudou quickly retorts.

"Told me what?" Issei asks as he looks at his parents.

"Son how do you think you got into a school a prosperous as Kouh Academy?" Issei's father asks

"They want from an all girl school to a all gender school and they excepted any guy who applied." Issei says while rubbing the back of his head.

"In a way you're right, but that's not everything." Mr. Hyoudou says.

"See backround checks about past grades and behavior in school were done for every possible student. While post were able to get in due to good behavior and decent grade your friends and you were a different case." Mrs. Hyoudou explains.

"They took one look at the behavior and standard to substandard grades you and your friends brought in and almost imedently tossed your application in the trash." Mrs. Hyoudou continues.

"However your brother came around and talked the school into it. While he never told us what he does for a living we know he's a big shot and very respected since just by recommending the three of you, you were all almost immediately excepted. He's even paying the full price of you and your friend's schooling." Mr. Hyoudou explains as Issei's eyes grow wide.

"Did you honestly think the once all girl school was just gonna overlook your past perverted acts at your old school?" Mr. Hyoudou asks his son.

Issei doesn't want to admit it, but deep down he knows his father is right. How else could three of the most pervet people in Kouh get into such a school seemingly with no second thoughts. Issei makes a tight fist as he thinks about his brother.

"How the hell did he know I was trying to get into Kouh Academy and how did he know my friends were trying to do the same?" Issei asks himself. "I always get the mail so I know he doesn't write and my parents don't even know what an emial or text is. Does he call them?" Issei asks himself as Asia taps his arm.

"Are you ok Issei?" Asia asks

Looking at Asia makes Issei realize something. Indirectly, Rei has given him the life he has now. If he hadn't gotten into Kouh there's no guarantee he still would have met Rias, Asia, or any of the other girls. Even if he did he might not be as close to them as he is now.

"I'm fine. If you're going, then go. I'll just stay here." Issei says as he drops his bag and walks past his parents.

Mrs. Hyoudou's arm shoots out as she grabs Issei by the ear and begins to pull him back toward the living room.

"Oh no you don't. We're all going to go see your brother. Who knowns you two might even be able to patch things up." Mrs. Hyoudou states as she looks at her son.

"Ow, ow, let go I don't wanna go and see him! Besides why do I have to come, what's the event?" Issei ask his father peaks his head out from behind his wife.

"Your brother is getting married!" Mr. Hyoudou shouts in excitement as his wife lets go of their son and the two hug. "We're gonna be grand parents." The two says as they daydream about spending time with their grandkids.

As they're daydreaming Issei attempts to escape but his mother catches him. "Like I said we're all going and it's not up for debate. Now all of you go change into something Rei sent a car to pick us up. It'll be here to drive us to the airport soon." Mrs. Hyoudou tells the children.

She lets go of Issei as he mumbles something angrily before walking away to his room the get chaged and the girls, plus Kiba and Gasper follow.

It doesn't take long for the group to change and as soon as they come back down stairs the grownups put their luggage in their hands and hurry them out the door. Once outside the group sees a limbo waiting in front of their house ready to drive them to their airport.

 Once outside the group sees a limbo waiting in front of their house ready to drive them to their airport

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"Wow, Issei is brother loaded or something?" Kiba asks

"How should I know. He doesn't keep me posted about his shit." Issei says as the doors to the limo open and his parents almsot push the group inside. With that the limo starts and drives away from the Hyoudou household.

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