I.M (7): The Kingdom of Vancadia

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It was midnight when Prince Changkyun was woken from his slumber by his protector Wonwoo. He informed the Prince that all the nations seers had been given a vision of the fall of a kingdom. The Prince, now fully alert and dressed, ran from his room to his father's throne room. When he entered, his father's men were preparing the place for the refugees from the kingdom that is to burn tonight. He continued towards his father and the other protectors with Wonwoo by his side.

"Father, how is the situation looking?" I.M asked when he was by the King's side.

"Not good, my boy. The king was able to evacuate the city and his children. He and the Queen were also able to get to safety in Hilton," The king informed him. 

"Which kingdom has fallen your majesty?" Wonwoo asked. Changkyun knew he was frightened because his wife, Mathew, was currently in the Kingdom of Haywood.

"Bayrin, my boy. Bayrin," The king said as he lowered his head. "I wish for you all to travel to Clove and stay there for the time being," The king requested, looking towards his son and the protectors present.

"Why, father?"

"The King of Clove will inform you when you arrive. But please, my son, you must leave now," They nodded at the king's request and left to pack and start their journey to Clove. When they arrived, the Prince told them the plan and about the other kingdoms who have already arrived. They were next to last to arrive. In the morning, the Prince went his separate ways from his protector to meet his new group. He hoped it was the same people he remembers from his childhood.

"Changkyunnie! You made it!" His hyung exclaimed when the boy entered the room.

"Kihyun hyung! It's nice to see you again. Wonho hyung, Hyungwon hyung! I'm so glad we are all together!" I.M said while he hugged his hyungs.

"Now we just need Shownu hyung, Minhyuck and Joohoney to make our old group complete again," Wonho said, smiling.

"Did someone say our names?" Minhyuck asked while entering. Everyone hugged and greeted each other like usual, and we all started to recap what we have all been up to quickly. It got quiet when Joohoney said that they were planning the coronation to crown the new king before the incident happened.

"Hyung's, I am so sorry for your losses," Changkyun said as he was tearing up. Everyone in the room was at this point, glossy eyes or struggling to hold back their tears.

"Yeah, it sucks, but hey," Joohoney said, trying to lighten the mood again. "It could've been worse right? If it weren't for Minhyuck hyung's girlfriend's vision, the whole kingdom would be dead," Joohoney said, teasing Minhyuck.

"HoW DiD YoU kNoW wE aRe DaTiNg?!" Minhyuck said dramatically and genuinely shocked that the Prince knew hos secret. It was dead silent in the room as everyone took in this new information.

"I didn't actually. I was just teasing. But now, WAIT! WHAT?!" Joohoney said after a minute.

"Okay! I think it is in everyone's best interest that we tell each other outright what our current relationship status is, yes?" Kihyun said while calming the other boys down a little. The group agreed, and Shownu started.

"Well, I'm currently single but have to admit I have a crush on Princess J.Win"


"Joohoney. No," Kihyun warned.

"Well, I being arranged to marry Princess Kiyong," Wonho said calmly.

"My sister?"

"Kihyun. No," Joohoney teased.

"Well, Taylor and I are dating," Minhyuck said, smiling.

"Yeah, no shit," Hyungwon said sarcastically.

"Well, I proposed to my childhood crush, and we will be married soon," Kihyun exclaimed proudly.

"Wow! Wonseok said, yes?!" Changkyun asked happily as Kihyun nodded.

"Cool. I'm now engaged to my childhood crush as well. King Donghae allowed me to marry CY," Hyungwon said with a smile.

"Awesome! Well, I'll admit I think Sam is kind of cute," Joohoney said, blushing.

"Wait till you see her almost kill a man in the training ring," Shownu said, smirking.

"And I am formally courting a protector from Winxmill, Dusk," I.M said shyly.

"Aww, everyone has someone! I suggest we help these poor losers who are single in capturing their lovely lady's hearts," Minhyuck said with a smile.

"How?" Hyungwon asked.

"They are all in BaeZ group," I.M chimed in after a minute of thinking.

"Oh yeah! The king did also say that every group can work beside one other group in training and schooling," Wonho said right after.

"Yeah, like Seventeen and Cross-Bow, Got7 and BTS, Stray Kids and LuvZ, and TXT and ATEEZ, are all doing," Joohoney confirmed.

"Well, then we will ask them about it later," Shownu said.

"Why not now? It is lunchtime. We can invite them to eat and ask there," Kihyun said. The boys all nodded and left the room. Little did they know that one decision would change their whole lives.

~End of Chapter 7~

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