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Esmè looked to warren and frowned she couldn't believe what she was hearing over aria. She was only two and she was sick and she had leukaemia. She looked to warren and shock her head "your lying, she's fine. She's a baby" Esmè said as she went to go for warren as he grabbed her arms and looked to her "look at me Esmè, I swear I am not lying to you. I am telling you the truth, aria is sick and she needs your help" warren said as Esmè sat down in a chair. Her head was a mess and sighed "how?" "She needs a bone marrow transplant and I'm not a match which leaves you" he said as he sat on the swing chair next to him and sighed "so what's this warren, I do this and you take off with her again and break me again. You have no idea what this did to me" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"Your right" he said "and yet I don't here and apology from you, I did nothing wrong yet I lost everything. You kissed someone else and then I learnt you had an affair with her" Esmè said as he nodded "I am sorry but you are her mum, she needs your help please I don't know what else to do" he said as Esmè looked to him and smiled "how long" "last summer, she was off her food. Sleeping for too long" he said as she looked to him and sighed. "Last summer? You went months without a word, she needed me and you took her from me, she doesn't know me because of you. I will get tested and if I am a match I will donate there is no question about that but I swear to god. Your not taking her away from me again. I will kill you" Esmè said as he looked to her and nodded


Esme sat in the hospital as she got the tests done to see that she was a match for aria. She looked to warren and sighed "if you screw me over this I will kill you warren" she said as he looked to her and smiled "it's all going to be fine. Your going to save arias life" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She walked out of the room with him as he grabbed her arm. She looked to him and frowned as they shared a moment. She knew there was still something between them "let me know when you have the test results I need to see aria. Don't worry you will see her soon" warren said as Esme nodded


Esme got home and sighed as she walked into the kitchen and ran her hands through her hair as Charlee walked in and looked to her and frowned "where have you been" "warren found me, it's aria she is sick and she has leukaemia" Esme said "es, I'm so sorry" Charlee said "it's okay as I am going to help her and I am going to hurt warren and take back my daughter. No one messed with a McQueen" Esme said plotting to make warren pay for what he had done to her

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