Chapter One

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They ran through the darkness, Zanpakuto unsealed and held tightly. They were all that was left of the resistance, the hounds of Soul Society nipping at their heels no matter where they went or how well they hid. Shinji and Rukia had been the last to fall just eight days ago and they had barely slept since then. Feeling the sudden appearance of two Onmitsukido, Nejibana slamming into the ground, waves of water swirling out to hit the two with tsunami level force, all without either of them breaking stride. They were trying to make their running look random, to throw their pursuers off. They were heading for one of Geta-boshi's old hidden labs, they had started the journey just after he had died as he had told Uryu about it with his dying breath. They hadn't expected it to take so long to find but it had, and the only way there had taken them through some of the more heavily patrolled areas which is why they were all that was left now. They skidded to a stop and went to work on the wards, bringing them down as quickly as possible before entering cautiously. Down and down they went, far beneath the empty land beyond the last districts of Rukongai.

They got through the final layer of security to find a mess. How were they meant to find one machine in all this? "Geta-boshi always kept a messy lab."

"Great, come on, those wards won't hold forever."

They went to work, carefully sorting through everything to find the device Uryu had described. They worked for hours without stopping since they didn't know how long it would take for them to be found again.

In the end it took two days for the wards to come under attack. They were just over halfway through the mess and now they were really running out of time. Three layers of wards and barriers had been broken when they found it. Het set it up, following the verbal directions they'd heard and then Ichigo powered it up.

"How far?"

"I don't know, before all of this's probably before we met," Ichigo admitted. There wasn't time for him to focus on aiming it other than making sure it was during their lifetimes but also before everything went to hell. A calloused, scared hand grabbed his and amber met green.

"I'll find you," he promised even as Nejibana was sealed and Ichigo nodded, sealing Zangetsu, proud he had finally learnt how. He looked down at his shorter companion, who grinned back and then their arms were around each other, a hand buried in orange locks as he pulled Ichigo down, lips meeting. "This isn't goodbye," he whispered and then they turned, hands gripped tight as they watched the growing patch of black, waiting for it to be big enough. They exchanged one last look before they were leaping through. Seconds later the entire lab blew up.

They held tightly to each other, trying to remain together but all too soon the currents were pulling them apart, even as they reached back for the other. Ichigo groped in the total darkness for his hand but there was nothing, he was alone, body buffeted and pulled by unseen forces as he fell. There was no sense of time in this place, he could have fallen for seconds or centuries.


In two very different rooms, two people gasped, jolting upright, eyes wide. They'd done it.

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