Chapter Nine

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Isshin watched his son leave the house to meet up with Potter. He knew it hadn't been a truck to damage their home the other week, that a Hollow had attacked them, despite the shields Kisuke had placed around their house to protect the children. Ichigo's power had grown too much to be hidden by them any longer. The teen was spending more and more time at their place or out with Ichigo and Isshin was happy that Ichigo had made another friend. The more reasons he had to fight to survive the coming battle with Aizen the better. He knew what he would likely have to teach Ichigo in order to defeat that madman, the more friends Ichigo had the more easily he would adjust to being a normal human after.

Hearing how the Hollow had been defeated had been a shock. He had never heard of someone simply being knocked out of their body before and being a Shinigami. Then again, Ichigo was unique. Kisuke had also explained that Kuchiki was training Ichigo in the hope of controlling his power enough to not draw Hollows to him, she was even working to teach Potter some Kido which had confused him until Kisuke had explained the boy was a wizard.

How long would it take his son to hear his Zanpakuto? He was proud to learn he wielded dual blades since only two others in all of Soul Society did. Unfortunately it also meant he would have to work out his own style of using them since none of them had trained to use two blades...well maybe Kisuke and Yoruichi did in the Second? But that wouldn't have been two Zanpakuto. Ichigo had inherited the Shiba talent for fighting though so he knew he would work something out.


Harry and Ichigo followed Rukia into the familiar store, both trying not to react, harry hiding behind Occlumency shields to conceal the grief and longing at being back in the store they had last seen as a smoking ruin. Ichigo was keeping his face firmly set in his customary frown, letting his hand brush Harry's and Harry tangled their fingers. Shinji had seen them which meant Urahara knew so there was no point in hiding it.

"Ah! Welcome to my humble shop!" Urahara emerged, familiar fan in his hand, bowing slightly in greeting.

"Has my order arrived?" Rukia asked and he nodded, sending Ururu out back to get it and Harry felt Ichigo start ever so slightly. Harry considered what he knew of Ichigo's early days as a Shinigami, trying to work out what could have caused that.

"And who are your friends Kuchiki-san?"

She eyed the shopkeeper warily before glancing back at them. "Kurosaki Ichigo and Potter Harry," she introduced and they both bowed in greeting. "The Gikongan are for Ichigo."

"Ah, that made it easier to guess what was coming, Kon. Not that he was needed thanks to their charms, but it would be handy for Ichigo's body to have a way to get away from attackers or protect his family. Plus, Kon deserved to have a life, this time he would make sure he had something nicer than that silly lion plushie.

The always blushing young girl soon reappeared with the wrapped object and Rukia unwrapped it to reveal the familiar dispenser, tossing it to Ichigo who easily caught it.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"To help you leave your body when you actually want to and to ensure no one realizes you are doing so. That contains a false soul which will operate your body and keep it from dying or rotting without your soul."

"Huh," he inspected it before putting it in his pocket.


Harry watched as Ichigo and Rukia left the park before turning to the mod soul now inhabiting Ichigo's body. "I've got wards up, we're staying here till they get back," Harry warned him. Kon stared at him, obviously trying to act like a normal Gikon. "Ichigo and I know what you are and won't let you be destroyed. You didn't ask to be created and then sent to be destroyed." Harry then tossed the small, rather human looking, doll at him. "You'll stay at Ichigo's so he can leave his body easily, protect his family and don't cause trouble. In exchange you'll be protected, have a relatively safe place to live and 'reading material' so long as you don't let anyone else see it. Understood?"

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