Chapter Three

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The freezing cold despair faded away and he took advantage of it, canine form slipping away to leave a man lying on the dirty, ragged pallet. He heard the sound of approaching feet and wondered why the guards were approaching, a new prisoner? He didn't bother moving, they wouldn't be there for him. When he'd first woken in his cell he had thought they had lost, that Voldemort had won, and he was imprisoned as a blood traitor. It had been months later when his cousin began yelling that he had realized they had won, and he hadn't understood why he was locked up until a guard had taunted him over Voldemort's death, as if he would be upset. He finally raised his head when the footsteps stopped outside his cell.

"Get up Black," one grunted and he obeyed, not in the mood for a beating. They entered the cell and shackled him before leading him away. When they left the building he stumbled, blinded by the light. "Move," the guard snarled, pulling him along and then they were getting into a boat.

"What?" he croaked out, confused.

"Silence," he was warned.

Sirius figured they were finally going to kill him and decided to enjoy the sunlight and fresh air since it was probably his last chance. When they landed a portkey was shoved into his hand and then he was in a holding cell, one he recognized, he was in the Ministry! How many times had he put someone in one of these as an Auror? He missed those days so much, working as partners with James, going home with him to find a cooked meal curtesy of Lily, playing with Harry... He grinned weakly when he spotted the wash basin and went to work trying to clean up as much as he could, before going to sleep. Hours later, he assumed it was morning, he was dragged to the shower block to wash fully and even given clean prison robes. Then they led him up and he felt a small spark of hope, this way led to the Wizengamot Chambers.


Hearing a bark he looked up and smiled, rolling up to go and open her cage, stroking brilliant white feathers. "Hey girl," he greeted the now awake owl. One thing he had done was to arrange a mail box so that any mail for him was delivered there to keep anyone from tracking him. Hedwig would then be sent to collect the mail once a week, not that he was expecting a lot. "I'll have a letter for you soon," he promised, dragging himself to the desk to actually write it. He had never met the man in the original timeline, he had been dead long before Harry knew of their ties and he had never heard how he had died. He took out parchment and quill and wrote the letter, introducing himself, explaining why he had never sought him out before, and explaining about Sirius before sealing it and addressing it to Arcturus Black, the current Lord Black. The man should get to know that his grandson was innocent.


Harry walked confidently into the Ministry building on the day of the next session. He was dressed in good quality robes fashioned in the Japanese style since that was what he had come to prefer. He walked straight past the security desk, the guard not even noticing him, not that he had a wand to check. In two weeks he had already changed physically, putting on a few centimeters in height and beginning to gain weight, his skin a much healthier shade and his glasses gone, along with his famous scar. He had begun with light training to build up strength and endurance, knowing he would need it if he wanted to wield Nejibana's blade as soon as possible. Performing Konso on the Horcrux had wiped him out and all he'd had to do was tap the cup with the blade's hilt.

He took the lift down to the Wizengamot Chambers and found a seat in the gallery, making sure he wasn't too noticeable from the lower levels. The goblins had informed him of interesting activity at Azkaban and the Ministry, so he hoped Madame Bones was doing what he wanted. Sending her those memories had been risky, but he hadn't had many other options. He wanted to remain hidden, but he would step forward to save Sirius if he had to. The goblins had ensured that all of the paperwork had gone through the Ministry, he was legally an adult. With the blocks off his magic and his body healing he would soon be a force to be reckoned with since he retained all of his future knowledge. Soon he was joined in the gallery by some bored press members, although Mr. Lovegood was there as well, Harry had sent him a note about today's potentially explosive meeting. He may be eccentric and possibly half crazy, but he was still a journalist. A few more people arrived to watch with the air of those who always came to see how their government was leading.

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