mistakes were made, secrets were revealed

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there is a murderer, who is after two of the most popular school cliques, the baddies (SF9), and the cuties (Pentagon). but the baddies already are on the way and the cuties are clueless, there are nineteen people dead, and who killed them?

The murderer is smiling, when he kills the first one, Lee Jaeyoon, the murderer was smart to start with Jaeyoon. Jaeyoon never pays attention to anything. Always on the phone with his girlfriend, Kennedy. He was texting Kennedy when he was killed, for not being a skilled murder, they did a hell of a good job. Now, how was Jaeyoon murdered?

Lee Jaeyoon was murdered in a vacant McDonald's bathroom, funny place to die right? But every place someone is murdered has a reason, although it may be unclear. As stated earlier Jaeyoon was texting his girlfriend when he was killed, the murderer showed up in the mirror behind Jaeyoon, anger was on his face. The murderer was mad. Jaeyoon wasn't paying much attention though. He just continued to text Kennedy, that is until he felt something wrap around his throat. He started gagging, and as he looked up in the mirror he saw the face of the murderer. "No, Please, No..." He sobbed as he felt the string tighten around his neck. "I can't leave Kennedy~" he cried feeling his breath start to stop. and then slowly, he collapsed to the floor, dead. The murderer took out a sharpie and wrote on the bathroom mirror, "No, Please, No... I can't leave Kennedy~" and with one out of nineteen dead, the murderer was excited. 

The murder wasn't smiling when he killed Yeo Changgu, the elder hadn't done much to the murderer but the murderer had to kill him for his plan to work. Yeo Changgu was mainly an innocent boy, but the murder still decided to kill him.

Changgu was murdered in the parking lot of Walmart, yet again a strange place, it was midnight at the only store open was Walmart, Changgu went to get milk for his mom. But the murderer had other plans for the boy. When Changgu walked out of Walmart, a carton of milk in his hands, he was instantly pulled to the side with a gun against his head. "I'm sorry I have to do this Changgu." the murderer mumbled, "I understand, I know your situation, I'm not mad at you..." Changgu stated looking at the younger who was holding a gun against his head. "Any last words hyung?" the murder asked putting his hand on the trigger. "Thank you for my life no matter how bad it was." Changgu said closing his eyes. The murderer pulled the trigger and Changgu fell to the cement ground, dead. The murderer wrote on the fallen bottle of milk. "Thank you for my life no matter how bad it was." 

The next murder was a few days later, the murderer had no emotion this time. Baek Juho was the victim. Juho had stabbed the killer in the back several times. The murderer was always one to repay a favor. 

It was at Juho's house, Juho thought it was a simple hang out. When the murderer offered to make the elder a sandwich Juho said "yes", it was a rare sight for the killer to offer to do something for someone. Juho's first concern should of been when the killer put gloves on to make a simple sandwich. But Juho didn't notice that one. Juho was always one to not notice the obvious. But come on Juho, who doesn't notice someone making a sandwich with a butchers knife? The killer was nice, they let Juho have at least a bite of his sandwich.  After the elder his finished bite of the sandwich, the killer came towards him, and stabbed him in the back, Juho had a slow death, but right before he died he said these words, "I never thought you would listen to him." and those ended up being the words the killer wrote on the kitchen counter before he left.

The fourth murder was the second most brutal, Kim Seokwoo had to have done something very bad to the killer for his murder to be this violent. To be honest, Kim Seokwoo did. 

Seokwoo was killed at a park. This park is very special. It's where the killer and Seokwoo had their first kiss, under the pine tree behind the slide. Seokwoo and the killer were having a sweet little picnic. Laughs, smiles, muffins, spilled coffee's, and fun times were what happened, for the first half of the picnic, and then the killers behavior changed. His eyes darkened, his face turned from a smile to a scowl. "You hurt me, I hurt you." the killer said pulling out a jump rope and wrapping it around Seokwoo's neck. "Last words?" The killer asked before starting to pull the rope tighter. "I'm sorry he made you do this, ____, I know you're better than this." Those words were written on the underside of the slide. 

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