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minhyuk and hyungwon are two high school drug addicts who host a radio show. chaos is bound to happen.

there was ten minutes until the lee-chae radio was supposed to start and the lee and chae who are the hosts were no where to be found. the student council vice president, yoo kihyun, was given the task of finding them while the student council president, lee jooheon, stalled the radio show.

kihyun was panicking as he ran around the campus looking for the boys, if they messed this up he could be kicked off of the student council. when he finally found the duo they were behind the the trash can exchanging money for drugs with their dealer, son hyunwoo. kihyun grabbed both boys by their collars dragging them too the radio room and spraying them with frebreeze. they were just barely on time as their intro song started and the phone number for calls was said.

they recivied their first call in five minutes, they were the concern addressing radio-show that was on from midnight to two am. minhyuk answered the call as hyungwon connected the call to the mic. "hello, is this the lee-chae radio show?" the voice asked quietly. "yes it is. what is your problem?" minhyuk asked, silently asking hyungwon for a joint. hyungwon handed him one, lighting it for him as well. everyone left once the got there, and they always hid the evidence. "i need to get revenge on someone." the caller said, their voice deep. "oh, really?" minhyuk asked taking a hit of his joint. "yes, he cheated on me with another chick and i need to get him back, but he doesn't know i know he cheated." she said her voice lighting up a bit. "does he work?" hyungwon asked lighting a joint of his own. "yes he does." she answered relaxing a bit. "do you know when his next drug test is?" hyungwon smirked. "it's friday." she said. "make him pot brownies, there's three days till friday, there's no way they could get out of his system." hyungwon suggested smirking proudly. "that's a great idea, thank yo-, obrigado." she corrected herself before hanging up.

they only recivied five more calls before the radio show was over and they started hiding evidence of getting high in the booth. once they had finished they walked into their dorm that they shared with their good friend, im changkyun, and the member of the dance team, cha hakyeon. changkyun was waiting for them with a concerned look on his face. "whats wrong kyun?" minhyuk giggled, his high state making everything hilarious. "hyunwoo-hyung got caught by the vice president." he said scared. "kihyun doesn't care kyun." hyungwon reassured. "no he got caught by vice president lee sangmin, the actual vice president." changkyun explained. "fuck, that's bad." minhyuk giggled laying down on hyungwons bottom bunk bed. changkyun sighed climbing into his bed under minhyuks while hyungwon climbed into bed with minhyuk, they always slept in the same bed when their high.


the duo were woken up by hakyeon and changkyun throwing water at them. they both shot awake banging their heads against hakyeon's bed. "get up you'll be late to homeroom." hakyeon said quickly getting changed himself as the two got changed and hung their sheets and blankets outside to dry. 

hyungwon and minhyuk just barely beat the bell to get to mr. kim heechul 's classroom on time. mr. kim was one of principal kang hodong's least favorite teachers because he was always teasing him but nonetheless heechul was a good teacher. he gave a warning look to the two boys before starting to teach. 

during break hyungwon and minhyuk went back to their rooms, hyunwoo had came into their room beofre they left and gave them some drugs, mainly dope, coke, and lcd. he also left some clean needles, the duo were excited and instantaneously decided to shoot up the coke. although they knew it was more dangerous than snorting the drug they still did it. 

soon after he injected the drug minhyuk started to get very hot, stripping from his shirt. hyungwon hadn't injected the drug yet but was extremely worried, he quickly went to get the first aid kit checking minhyuks tempature, while he waited for that to read he started setting up the heart monitor. once he set up thee heart monitor on minhyuks finger he checked his tempature. the themometer read 40.4 Celsius/ 104.8 Fahrenheit. hyungwon panicked at the suddenly high tempature of the elder. the heart monitor read 112 beats per minute which was high for minhyuk. as he didn't know what to do hyungwon called changkyun and hakyeon. 

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