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Kangmin hidd his problems from his hyungs, when one thing goes wrong Kangmin breaks. Words hurt him more than he thought they would. His hyungs are concerned.

They were practicing. Kangmin loved practicing their choreographies even if they may be tiring. Today, today was different. Kangmin had been feeling sick since the night before, but he kept going, he went to school like normal. (Albeit he fell asleep in his math class, and got sick after lunch.)

Dongheon was quite frustrated with the younger. He had had the choreography down perfectly yesterday why was he making such dumb and Un-Kangmin like mistakes. "Kangmin! Run it by yourself while we take a rest, okay?" He said annoyed, there was no point in making the other members practice when Kangmin was the only one messing up.

So, Kangmin did as he was told, he ran through the dance five more times before Hoyoung finally stood up and forced the boy to sit down and rest. "You're going to pass out if you continue, aegi." were his exact words as Kangmin laid on the ground, using Yeonho's duffle bag as a pillow.

"Ya! Kangmin! Get your sweaty head off my bag!" Yeonho shouted, unaware that Kangmin was on the verge of a breakdown as his thoughts about why he was like this today. Although the words were just muffled in Kangmin's head, he lifted his head as he moved the bag and let his head hit the hard wood floor.

Kangmin stayed late that night, because he was a minor, Minchan was forced to stay with him but just fell asleep on the floor as Kangmin continued to go other the dance moves, getting worse and worse as he continued. Everything turned into a blur as Lay Back blared through the speakers. Finally, Kangmin just dropped to the floor, asleep.

Minchan was woken up by both his and Kangmin's phones ringing. Kangmin had gotten a call from someone under the name of 'Idiot Hyung #1' (It was Gyehyeons number) while Minchan had a call from Yongseung. He answered both phones after seeing that Kangmin was passed out on the ground.

"MINCHAN-HYUNG!" Both boys shouted as they heard the elders voice answer the phones.

"We'll be home soon." Minchan groaned hanging up the phones and throwing them into his bag.

As he picked up both his and Kangmin's bag he saw a bottle of pills fall from the youngest bag. Minchan picked them up, all though he was pretty sure they were just painkillers, he looked at them anyways. He stared at the label on the bottle. It read two words that concerned him; Alprazolam, Xanax.

He pocketed the medicine and picked Kangmin up bridal style, shocked at how light the younger was, they really needed to get some food into him. The walk to the dorms the practice room wasn't long, but it was longer when you had to carry a 5'8 boy and two duffle bags.

Once Minchan had finally gotten inside and laid Kangmin down in his bed, he took the pill bottle out of Kangmin's bag and set it on the table in front of Gyehyeon. "Does this say what I think it says, hyung?" the year younger asked as he read the bottle. Minchan nodded. The other members also read the bottle and looked shocked when Minchan finally told them. "That's Kangmin's, they were in his bag."

Kangmin woke up early in the morning, 4:00 a.m. , exactly 1 hour after they got home. He was still exhausted but knew there was no hope in trying to fall back asleep. He felt terrible, Minchan must of had to carry him home and he remembers waking up for a couple minutes to people talking about Xanax. He was most certainly screwed.

Kangmin left for school before his hyungs woke up, none of his hyungs went to school with him anymore so he was safe until at least 3:30 p.m.  He did however know, that when at least two of his hyungs were going to be waiting for him outside the school. He was going to have to be as silent and ignorant as possible. He hated being rude to his hyungs, hurting them, but they didn't need to know why he had Xanax in his bag. No one, needed to know.

The other members needed to send the two members who Kangmin would most likely talk to, Hoyoung and Gyehyeon. Kangmin loved all the members of course he did, but if you needed someone to make Kangmin really show his feelings, it was Hoyoung and Gyehyeon.

What Kangmin's hyungs did not expect, was the boy to get detention, from two different teachers. Dongheon had gotten the call from the school that the 8 year younger had both fallen asleep in class and gotten into a fight with another student.

When not only two, but all the other six members were waiting for him after detention, looks of both concern and disappointment on their faces, Kangmin could feel that he was not getting out of this, no matter how much he tried. He had his hood up, sunglasses on and an ice pack on his cheek.

"Yoon Kangmin, explain." Dongheon said as the boy stood infront of the group.

"I have nothing to explain, sir." Kangmin said coldly, looking up at Dongheon with no emotion on his face. No one, no one, had ever seen Kangmin act like this.

"Yoon Kangmin, please just tell us what happened." Yeonho begged gently putting a hand on Kangmin's cheek.

"He did something, something I didn't like, something that's not true, so I beat him up." Kangmin explained looking down again.

"What did he do Aegi?" Yongseung asked as they moved to sit down at the picnic table.

"He insulted you. He said that you didn't work hard enough to be a part of the team. It's not true." Kangmin said glancing at Yongseung briefly.

"'s really nice that you felt the need to do that for me,but you shouldn't of. He-he must have done something more." Yongseung smiled at the youngest placing his hand over the smallers.

"Sir, you don't need to be concerned with what else he said." the youngest said, he still had no emotion on his face, his hyungs were confused why was he acting like this, he was calling them sir, just the other day he had called Gyehyeon and Yeonho idiots.

"Aegi, why are you calling us sir?" Minchan asked sadly, he wanted his little Kangmin to be okay.

"It's not like you gentlemen are family sir.  We are just business partners, that's all this has ever been." Kangmin teared up as he stated the words and stood up. He was going to leave.

"Kangmin!" Hoyoung shouted as the youngest started walking to a group of bad boy looking kids leaning against a black mustang.

"What, sir?" the younger asked turning around.

"You can go with your friends, you can believe what those people told you, you can believe that we are not family, and that we don't love you. But it's not true. Whenever you realize we will, be waiting, Aegi." The elder said calmly, giving the youngest a warm hug before turning back around.

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