all my fault

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"It's not your fault, Bomin"

"Then whose is it? Who else was there when it happened? No one, just me, nobody there to help or do anything. And it can't be nobody's fault so it has to be mine; don't tell me that it isn't."

In which Bomin was too sleep-deprived to notice that his manager had started to hurt Jaehyun until it was too late, and now he refuses to stay in the dorm.

[tw// rape, date-rape drugs, self hatred, panic attacks, police, trauma.]

{dialogue prompt from @/im-here-to-help-you-all-write on tumblr}

When Bomin finally snapped back into reality, it wasn't from Jaehyun telling him to pack his stuff, and that they were going home. But rather, Daeyeol shaking him from his position of sleep  in the practice room. 

"Bomin-" The eldest shouted as he continued to shake the boy. 

"Huh?" He asked confused and tired, he was asleep, nothing was making sense, why was Jaehyun on the floor? Why were there paramedics around him? 

"Wh-what happened to Jaehyun?" Daeyeon asked holding the youngest's face in his hands softly. 

"Hyung, what do you mean? We-we were practicing and he was taking a break." Bomin looked around at his hyungs ,scared. What happened to Jaehyun?

"I think he passed out hyung, it has happened before. He must not of seen or heard anything." Bomin heard Seungmin say from somewhere behind him. What was happening, where was Jaehyun? 

Bomin started panicking as he didn't know what happened, his vision going blurry, and breathing becoming incredibly difficult. 

"Aegi~~ I'm going to hold your hand." A voice stated as Bomin felt his back against one of his hyungs chests, his head was to jumbled to figure out who it was. 

"Can you feel my heartbeat, aegi?" The voice asked again bringing Bomin's hand up to his left chest. Bomin nodded, everything still a blurry mess of the annoyingly bright lights of the practice room and the bodies of miscellaneous members, staff, and paramedics around the room. 

"I need you too take three deep breaths with me okay?" They said rubbing his arm. 

"One, good job just two more." 

"...Two, you're doing great baby, last one." 

"Three, you did amazing, now can you tell me five things you can see?"

"T-The lights, my-my-my bag, y-your legs, D-Donghy-Donghyun-hyung, and-and Manager-hyung." Bomin answered, this wasn't his first time having a panic attack, but usually he got through them himself or with Shin Yeeun backstage, he had never had one with his members knowing. 

"Deep breaths Bominnie, can you tell me four things you can touch?" 

"Th-the g-ground, You-Jangjunnie-hyung, My neck, Daeyeol-hy-hyungs water bottle."

Jangjun smiled Bomin was processing who was around him. 

"Very good, Three things you can hear?" Jangjun soothed, kissing Bomin on the cheek. 

"The fan, Joochan-hyung c-crying, and Jibeom-hyung talking." Bomin's heartbeat slowly started coming down. 

"Two things you can smell?" Jangjun continued, glad that the others weren't crowding the maknae. 

"Sungyoon-hyungs AXE body spray, and you're shampoo." Bomin giggled sadly, it was well known that Sungyoon used far too much AXE body spray. 

"One thing you can taste, Bominnie?" Jangjun asked, silently laughing at Sungyoon's reaction of being called out by the panicked maknae. 

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