Chapter 7

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Ivan pulled into the parking lot of the skating rink. Matthew took his skates as did Ivan. Then the two nations walked inside. (It's those inside rinks).

They walked to the benches and put on their skates. Then the two walked to the rink. There wasn't that many people which was nice. That means more room to skate.

When Matthew got on the ice, he started to skate around like it's been years since he skated. Yes, Matthew has skated recently, but it would just be for hockey. He adored that sport but just skating always relaxed him.

Ivan watched as he slowly skates around. He looked behind himself for a moment, trying to see if he's in the way of the father and daughter skating. He turned around to instantly be lightly ran into by Matthew. With the shock, Ivan falls over into a sitting position as Matthew had his back on Ivan's chest in the same sitting position. Matthew was laughing the whole time the event took place.

"Why did you that?" Ivan asked, confused. Matthew looked up to face Ivan, still laughing.

"I had to!" Matthew answered. He then realized what position him and the Russian were in. He instantly blushed a bright red as he pushed himself out from in between Ivan legs and attempted to get up only to fall back into the same siting position he was in before, but this time he was facing Ivan.

Ivan chuckled at the clumsy Canadian and got up. He extended his hand to Matthew which he took to get back up to his feet.

"You remind me of a child sometimes." Ivan said.

"I'm not a child." Matthew said, wearing a childish grumpy face.

"Da, you're not, but you act like one." Ivan said, patting the other nation's head.

Matthew then skated away from Ivan, but the Russian followed the Canadian.
It was like this around the rink progressively getting faster and faster. Then Matthew just stopped which made the tall Russian run into the back of the Canadian.

Matthew looked up to look at Ivan in the eyes with a grumpy face, but he quickly looked back down with a blush on his face since he didn't realize how close their faces would be when Matthew looked up. Some blush also appeared on Ivan's face.

"Why don't we skate normal, Da?" Ivan asked as he put his hands on the other nation's shoulders.

"Y-Yeah, good idea." Matthew answered, starting to skate with Ivan joining him.

The rest of the time was nice and calming as they talked and skated at the rink. After an hour or 2, they decided to leave.


The two arrived home to be met with Kumajiru jumping onto Matthew. Matthew held Kumajiru in a his arms, hugging him. Ivan took his coat and footwear off, keeping his scarf on as usual. He looked at the two hugging and smiled.

"I see you don't leave Kumajiru alone a lot." Ivan commented.

"Yeah. I bring him everywhere, even at the grocery store." Matthew said, still cuddling the polar bear cub.

"Who are you?" Kumajiru asked.

"I'm Matthew." Matthew said, still hugging the cub

Ivan smiled at the two and walked to the kitchen. Matthew and Kumajiru let go of each other and Matthew took off his coat and boots.

Matthew picked up Kumajiru again and walked to the kitchen. Ivan was filling up a kettle.

"I'm assuming you would like some hot chocolate as well." Ivan said.

"Yes please!" Matthew said. He then walked to the dining table.

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