Chapter 7

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Due to their negligence and recluse-like ways the Phantoms had extended knife like fingernails, their odour was mephitic, the only tiny bit of resemblance to a human being they had was their masks. The creatures fed on any meat they could hunt or find; their normal diet, although this could vary, would consist of rabbits, hares, foxes, and rodents. It was almost ironic that today the Phantom’s supper could be Rodents again. They rapidly and chaotically scurried towards the group, Lozada, using the couple of sharp lengths of wood he had sharpened the night before with Tyson’s Chef’s knife, (a part time job he had done nearly a decade ago), impressively propelled one of the lengths into a Phantom’s lower stomach; then heavily pierced it into his bare foot, a spew of purple blood flowing out of the wound, a vociferous squeal followed the heroic action. This ripped through the surrounding areas and progressively more and more Phantoms scuttled down from lonely buildings and out from fetid caves. They had developed spider like abilities to crawl up walls and defy gravity by crawling on ceilings. Another audacious beast leapt towards the group, this time Blake with his late son’s baseball bat, (his family had been driving out of the infected and corrupt city when his wife Mia and son Rhys died), uppercut the Phantom sending him ten yards backwards, purple blood spraying Blake’s faded tee shirt. The Phantom was not at all down and out, he eerily clicked his neck and bolted back to Blake, he could somehow sense Blake’s fear. This time the Phantom was too rapid,  the Phantom threw itself at Blake knocking the two of them down, the Phantom was almost laying on Blake, it kept on trying to chomp at Blake but the man gave all he could at trying to fend the monster off. Finally with one last push he sent the Phantom over his head, performing the perfect ‘Tomoe-nage’. Then Logan initiatively signaled Blake to throw him the bat, a firm catch, and with one swift strike the Phantom was sent through the air to his doom.

“Eva where the bloody hell have you been?!” shouted Tyson.

“Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina…Mallen pelu e' n'alaquel en' sen… Quanta yassen 'kshapsa” Eva carefully enunciated. She tensed; her tone was full of meaning. Her eyes were tightly closed, she opened them displaying full white eyes; next Eva lifted off into the air, a few metres off the ground. A great wind arose and her hair streaked white. The borough fell still, everything went pitch black, then after a mini second the vicinity illuminated,  a blinding light arising from Eva’s palms. The Phantoms scampered and crawled back to the repulsive caves from which they came. A sea of thunderous screeches echoing into the distance, Eva’s face paled, the magic had almost possessed her. She fell to the ground in a heap of vertigo. The enchantment had drained her. But the group was safe.

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