Chapter 11

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Lozada felt a gentle breeze stroke his split lip and bruised body. Enigmas intruding his fragile mind. “Where Am I? Why do I ache? Who did this to me? How long will I be locked up for? When will I be released?” Lozada had many a question, and he would get his answers; but for now he had to observe and take in as much information. “So how much did the Jackal say we are getting for these young male slaves?” “Two weeks more life, tops.” Lozada heard two guards say. “The Jackal is coming, look attentive.” The metal door unlocked and a tall, long and grubby-haired, tired man entered. He was wearing a lengthy, thick dark-green cloak and an old black shirt, barely worn. Lozada could hear the ongoing sandstorms outside and it smelt of dampness and smoke where a fire had been lit only a day ago. “Well, well, well, did you miss me Gabriel?” Said The Jackal.

“Aggghhh get the voices out my head! You bastard! Get them out!” Cried Lozada.

“You know this man Lozada?!” Logan suspiciously asked.

“No I swear I don’t, aggghhh stop it!! You are poisoning my mind!!” Lozada screamed.

“Stop it father you’re killing him!!!” Screamed Eva. The Jackal struck her with force; sending her flying backwards into the crumbling barriers around them.

“It hurts doesn’t it! Now you relive your war injuries I inflicted upon you! Let us hear your cries, your pain, you’re misery!” The Jackal bellowed. He finally stopped the tormenting game. “Do you like my gift? Or shall I call it a curse? It torments me too, it torments all of us! Now, where is the Prophecy?! Tell me!!!!” bawled The Jackal, in a desperately furious manner.

“I’ll never tell you!! You fiend!! You will ruin mankind!!” Lozada defiantly stated.

“Well, the torture continues!!” The Jackal freakishly bellowed.

Lozada, Blake, Logan, and Tyson all began quivering frenziedly and began muttering “Get him out, he poisons our minds, please stop!” The Jackal wore a satisfying smile, seeming increasingly authoritative, juxtaposing the four’s disturbing and powerless image. The room darkened, The Jackal’s face went dark red and horns and a tail emerged from him, his demons had spilled out. “Teh ids malacular chi femora!!!” He shouted, the spell began to pierce the minds of the four, it even killed the guards, but before he could continue Eva launched herself at him; she climbed onto his back and started beating him.

“Stop it father!! You’re killing them!!” Eva screamed, she yanked the key set off his neck and threw it across the way.

 “What are you doing?!” The Jackal bellowed, whilst shaking her off and slapping her, throwing her across the room. Lozada, using his magic, pulled the keys closer to him; he now had them in his possession and managed to unlock the chains that bound him, he was free.

“Don’t think you’re getting away that easily! How about a 1 on 1?” The Jackal said confidently.

“Let’s dance!” Lozada sternly bawled.

“Amin khiluva lle aakd gurthasd ar thar!!!” The both cried in a chorus. A light blue ray of magic spilled from the palm of his hand, meeting the Jackal’s dark violet ray. As the clash of dark magic occurred embers and sparks flew from the middle; acidizing and corrupting anything that it came in contact with. Both Lozada and the Jackal were at full strength but as the duel continued the two were being drained. All Tyson, Blake, and Logan could do was watch on and hope and pray that Lozada got through. Lozada’s magic almost reached the Jackal but then the Jackal slowly found the advantage. Both men were near to collapsing but were eager to fight on, the building encircling them began to crumble. A tempest arose, and the two gave a final flourish of magic, their energy levels were diminished. Both of them catapulted backwards onto the sand-swept earth and gave out a shrieking cry. Lozada found enough energy to leap towards the Jackal, key in hand and thrust it into his chest, creating an electric-blue eruption. The Jackal was left paralysed as the magic finally consumed him, as the four escaped he spat out a final spell, it grazed Tyson. They ran, and ran, leaving behind the almost-dead Jackal.

“I’ll see you at the finish line! The hunt for the Prophecy begins!!” Bellowed The Jackal with a manic laugh. The four had become five once again, Eva was accepted as she managed to create the escape however there was a large probability they wouldn’t last until sunrise, food was scarce and the wounds were worsening, a long night was ahead.

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