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Haou grabbed and slid his suitcase to the front door letting it rest against the wall, Violet and Blue orbs followed the brunette's every motion. Feeling the gaze how turned towards the blonde on the couch, sighing he swiftly moved closer to the man. Leaning against the back of the couch his eyes locked onto the blondes, multicolored orbs not even hiding his worry. The brunette tried to give his lover a reassuring smile but he obviously didn't feel better.

"Haou you should push your trip" His voice was soft and soothing.

"Mamoru you know I can't" He sighed "I'm going to be fine."

"Wait till after the snow storm" He pressed.

"No I'm going before to try and beat it, if I wait till after I won't make the concert"

Mamoru locked onto the determined gold eyes, he sighed defeated, Haou wasn't going to budge on the situation. The brunette was head strong and smart, once his mind was set there was no changing it.

"please promise you'll be careful"

"Of course and I'll call you as soon as I get there" He smiled "It's only a five-hour drive."

"That's five hours of ice and idiots on the road" The blonde pouted.

The air in the room became heavy as Haou sighed again, walking around the couch he sat next to his boyfriend. Intertwining their fingers her tried to relax the taller man, Mamoru just rolled his eyes and pulled the other into a hug. He couldn't fully explain it but he had a bad feeling something would happen if Haou left, maybe he was just paranoid.

"I need to go" His voice cracked a bit "I can't miss this concert.....not another one."

Silence was all that filled their room, the blonde nuzzled his face into the brown locks. The couple looked out their sliding glass door, it had been raining hard all morning. They lived on the ground floor of the apartment complex and could already see the streets flooding. Haou took a quick check for tomorrow mornings weather, it was going to be nine degrees, the roads would ice over before he left.

"I'll go salt the front so you don't slip" Mamoru released the boy.

"Thank you" He smiled and watched the other leave.

After a few more seconds the brunette got up from the couch and headed into their bedroom. Slipping off his clothes he changed into his pajamas, a long black t-shirt and black boxers. He stretched and while he brushed his teeth in the bathroom he heard Mamoru come back inside. Passing the bathroom the brunette winced as the blonde was soaked, it must have been raining worse than they thought.

Mamoru pulled off his wet clothes and shivered from the cold, slipping on pajama pants he watched Haou leave the bathroom. He took that chance to slip in and brush his teeth, the brunette on the other hand went to his closet and pulled out an outfit for tomorrow. A white dress shirt, red tie, black slacks and a long black trench coat to match, satisfied he climbed into bed. The light switched off and the bed dipped behind him as Mamoru climbed in. Strong arms wrapped around the brunette's waist and pulled him close to the blonde's chest.

"I'm gonna miss you" His voice was husky in Haou's ear.

The brunette trembled, it was a voice Mamoru used whenever he was turned on or wanted to turn him on. God it always worked, like a trigger Haou turned around to face his boyfriend. Even in the dark he could feel the violet and blue eyes silently undressing him. Flustered the brunette gently pressed his lips to the others, it's not like it would be their first time but every time Mamoru fucked him it felt like fireworks through out his body.

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