Oh great

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Vince goes to the back room and works on springtrap, his favorite animatronic so far. He heard talking from Afton and daisy and he stopped to listen. They were just talking about random stuff, he didn't care that much as long as nothing happened. Later he walked out getting closer to the room they were in. "Really? You've never kissed anyone?" Afton asked Daisy, both not realizing that Vince was listening. "No, never. Not really" She said. Afton gave a soft hum "Well, lemme know when you wanna change that, I'm a pretty good kisser my self. And you my dear, look lovely" Afton said making Daisy Blush a little. Vince gave a growl to himself and walked away. Fucking idiot. I told him not to do anything with her and now he's flirting?! Vince has thought.

When people fall in love they tend to stay with that person for a long time, not really wanting to be away. Friends and family get left behind. She could forget me if she actually tried....

Oh great...I'm screwed

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