-life is nothing but a game-

42 1 4

April 24, 2010

I grabbed my phone, seeing my daughter calling me. I answered, "What's up little one?"
She sighed. "Afton had a rough day so he came home but then left, not talking to me." She sounded almost...Broken.
Really? Over this person your broken? I sighed. "I'm sorry little one, I'm sure he'll talk to you about it sooner or later, he is after all your boyfriend right?" It went silent for a few minutes. "your still mad at me...aren't you? For dating him?" She said softly ad I groaned.
"Don't put me in that situation." I said and she growled. "Just answer it."
I sighed, might as well tell the truth now. "Of course I'm pissed off from that. But I shut up because your happy. It's either you be happy and I deal with it or you be broken and I still have to deal with it. There. Are you happy now?" I said harshly and she didn't say anything.
The phone line went dead. She hung up on me. I shrugged it off and put my phone back in my pocket.

Stupid Afton
Stupid work
Stupid me

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