-Chapter 2-

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                                                              Max woke up the next morning exhausted. He got out of his cot and changed into his signature hoodie. He then went over silently to his coffee maker, knowing he would not make it through the day without some caffeine,  and made a cup of coffee. He drank it slowly, savoring the bitter taste of it. He glanced over to see Neil and Dipper still asleep. Max shrugged, and quietly slipped out of the tent. He always acted like he didn't care that much about people, but in reality, he did care. That's why he took care not to wake them. If he didn't care, he would have just done whatever he wanted and woken them up. 

                              When Max got to the Mess Hall, Gwen and David came up to him. Max groaned, but met them anyway.

             "Where's Neil and Dipper?" Gwen asked. Max rolled his eyes. Glancing at the food he could be eating right now, he answered.

                      "Calm down Gwen, Dipper and Neil are asleep in the tent. I didn't wanna wake them." Max admitted. David smiled at him, and let him go. Max ran over to his table, where Nikki and Mabel already were. Nikki greeted him with a smile. Max felt his face flush as he sat right next to her.

                "What's up, Nikki?" Max asked. Nikki giggled. Max was confused for a moment before he realized he'd been way to upbeat when he asked her it. He blushed with embarrassment.

    "I'm good. I would ask you how are you, but you seem like your pretty good as well." Nikki laughed. Max chuckled at his friends antics.  Nikki could be so silly sometimes.

            "SO Nikki, what did David say was on the schedule for today?" Max asked. Mabel rolled her eyes next to Nikki. Nikki nodded in agreement.

                "He said we have free time. Kinda lame, not going to lie. It's just not a good day for free time, Max." Nikki sighed. Max glanced outside. It looked fine to him, but maybe he was just not seeing things like Nikki and Mabel were. Shrugging, Max stared at his food. It looked like pure shit.

                     "What do they make the food with here?" Mabel said in disgust. Max opened his mouth to agree. It was at that moment that the Mess Hall door swung open. Dipper and Neil came over and sat in their spots at the table. Dipper looked confused.

          "What's the plan for today?" He asked. Max explained and Dipper's eyes lit up immediately. He obviously had a idea, so Max leaned forward to listen.

               "Oooh! I have a idea! We can go out in the woods and search for a adventure!" Dipper exclaimed, putting on his pine-tree hat. Max hated to admit it, but he liked the idea. If adventure wouldn't come to them, they would have to search for it since it seemed like a lazy day anyway.

             "I'm in." Max said, nonchalantly taking a sip of his coffee, which had cooled down enough to where he could take large gulps of it if he wanted. Dipper beamed at him, and Max shrugged, as if to say no problem. The rest of the trio and Mabel agreed. They got through eating, and burst out of the Mess Hall and straight to the woods.

              "What are we even looking for, exactly?" Neil asked. Max shrugged. He really didn't know, but he wasn't about to admit to it. He just kept on following Dipper. Nikki and Mabel followed, talking quietly. Max strained to hear.

                         "What do you hope we find, Nikki?" Mabel asked softly.

                    "A cute boy. Preferably nice and good looking. All the boys in camp aren't my type." Nikki replied. Max felt something like a stabbing pain in his heart. What the fuck? He reflected on himself real quick. He didn't look that good, there were bags under his eyes already, and he was only thirteen for Christ's sake! Sighing, Max pulled up his hood to cover the pain in his eyes. He didn't understand. He didn't even like Nikki like that! She was only a friend, so why did her words hurt so much?

       Max kept on inwardly torturing himself. He was so distracted that he didn't even notice that Dipper and Neil had stopped, and he bumped into them. 

         "Oof!" Max staggered back for a moment before staying upright. He stared at the scene in front of them. It was a car crash, and a bad one at that. The group ran up to see that the driver was dead. Feeling sad,  Max checked the backseat. There was a boy with white hair there, and he was struggling to get out. Max rushed in and cut the seat-belt with a pocket knife. The kid looked shocked before letting Max escort him out of the car.

                "Found this poor kid..." Max explained briefly. The others rushed over. The kid seemed to take the attention well, and didn't shrink back from everyone getting in his face. 

                          "What's your name, kid?" Dipper asked.

                    "I'm Gideon...I was on my way to Gravity Falls to go live with my parents again when we got hit." The kid sounded weirdly detached. Max felt a wave of unease, and looking at Dipper, he wasn't the only one. 

                          "We're in Gravity Falls, silly. Here, come with us to Camp." Nikki offered. Gideon nodded, a bit of blush coloring his cheeks. Max narrowed his eyes, but followed at the end of the group as they made their way back to camp.

  When they got there, David looked worried. Max rolled his eyes. David cared too much about everyone. That's why he was such a pushover.

                            "We found this kid. Dunno where his parents live exactly." Max said briefly, lying a bit at the last part. David immediately smiled, and dragged the kid to his office for paperwork.

                      The others celebrated, but Max had a feeling that they had all collectively made one of the worst decisions ever.


                        A few days later, Gideon was officially enrolled into Camp Campbell. Max wanted to be happy like he had been when Dipper and Mabel came, but he couldn't. It had been all just....wrong these last few days at camp. He felt like a outcast. Mabel, Nikki, and Neil all hung out with Gideon. Dipper was always busy doing something. Preston, Nerris, and Harrison all hung out with each other, and the others had no interest in hanging out with him anyway.

                Max sighed, and tried to sink into his hoodie. As the celebration continued, he got more and more tired of it. He'd had enough.

                                 "Well, that's it. I'm going to my cot and sleeping. Bye." Max said curtly. Gideon gave him a weird look, and David gave Max a hearty hug before Max left. Max marched to his tent, and flung himself on his cot. 

                           Max waited for darkness to approach him and take him from this miserable excuse of an existence.

Trust No One: A Camp Camp and Gravity Falls CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now