Chapter 28

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                             So far, the day was shitty. Max's head still really hurt. David had given him some medication earlier for it, but it was starting to wear off. David had basically told everyone that today was going to be a easy day. They had started out watching Preston's one-man performance of 'Hamilton.' Then, Gwen had told them it was some free time before lunch. Stan and Campbell were chilling out.

                                               "Hey, kids! Any of you know a thing about businesses?" Stan yelled. All the campers exchanged glances before shrugging. Stan had never bothered with them before, so this was confusing and a little bit annoying. 

                                 "Nope. Now fuck off." Max hissed.

                                                         "I like this kid!" Stan exclaimed, smirking. Max rolled his eyes and walked over to where Dipper and Mabel were.

                                               "Guys, why don't you two spend time with your Grunkle." Max asked them.

                                                               "No reason. Why?" Mabel asked, bouncing over.

                                        "He is driving everyone insane. It's like he decided that today was the day to talk to everyone and try to be nice. It's annoying as shit." Max complained.

                                                        "Eh. That's just Stan. You'll get used to it." Dipper told him, turning back to the journal. Max walked closer.

                                                                        "Hey, what are ya looking at?" Max asked, confused. Dipper turned around and moved over a bit. Max sat down.

                                             "I'm looking at the pages where it talks about Bill." Dipper admitted.

                                                                  "You literally yelled at me for reading those once. Especially after yesterday, do you really want to read those?" Max said sharply.

                                                      "Chill out, man. I'm reading these so I can get a good idea of what Bill is after, and maybe even a clue as to the author. It seems that the author was one of the zodiac people. I'm going to guess that he's the six fingered hand on the wheel. If so, then we all must be linked in some way, so that is a big lead that I've just figured out." Dipper explained.

                                                                        "Huh. I wonder why I didn't think of that when I read those pages." Max pondered. Dipper rolled his eyes. Max didn't say anything, but made a mental note of it.

                                             "Maybe we should sneak into town. There might be some leads there." Mabel suggested, sticking her tongue out. Max raised a eyebrow. That was a good idea.

                                                                    "If we could make it to the bus, I can drive." Max told them. Dipper hesitated before nodding. The trio got Nikki quickly, and made a run for the bus. They got in. Nikki tried to drive, but Max stopped her. "Sorry, Nikki. We have to make it this time." Max apologized. Nikki looked hurt for a moment before shrugging.

                                                      "Just think guys, if we do this, we'll have discovered the biggest secret of the last two summers!" Dipper exclaimed. Max focused on driving, and to everyone's surprise, they made it.

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