late (again)

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liam @dumbar
i'm already not happy to work with her, but she's late? @romeroh hurry the fuck up
hayden @romeroh
easy it's only ten minutes


A few minutes later, at exactly 4:45pm, Liam hears his front door open and Hayden steps heading up the stairs. He is seated at his desk, his notebooks and history books open in front of him. Hayden gets in then sits next to Liam.

"So, what's the project about?" She asks.
"I haven't decides yet."
"I? You don't think I'm going to let you pick by yourself?"
"Oh yes I do, I think I deserve it. Now shut up and work please."

Liam opens one of the books in front of him, Hayden's gaze still on him. It is going to be a long evening.

theo, nolan


yes nolan?
everything okay?

yes don't worry
it's just
what were you doing in your car?

moving | thiamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ