Back On The Team

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Ali's POV

My first practice with the the team just ended, and it went pretty well. I earned mutual respect from everyone, but some of my old friends asked me to hang out before team bonding in a few hours. I'm going to Sydney Leroux's house along with Heather O'Reilly, Christen Press, and Julie Johnston; all of my old best friends. I'm greeted with hugs when I walk into the house. I missed hanging out here. We talk for a few hours and I head back to my apartment for bonding. Apparently it's the team's favorite spot, and also don't know I live there too. We're the last ones to arrive, so as soon as we sit down, we start truth or dare. Pinoe started, and first question went to Ash, so she chose truth. No one wants to do Megan's crazy stupid dares. "How many girls have you slept with this school year? Including your girlfriend," she asks Ashlyn. She think for a second before answering. "Two," she said. Me and Alex. A few more crazy dare came before it was my turn. "Ali, truth or dare?" Syd asks me. Just like Pinoe, she does the most embarrassing dares, so I chose truth. "Do you have a crush on someone on the team?" I respond with a nod. "Who?" She asks again. I debate telling her, but I Alex is here, so I don't. "You already got your one question Leroux," I tell her. "Please? At least gimme a hint." "Fine...They're dating somebody else." "But if you just tell us who it is whoever they're dating will never have to find out," Syd pleads. "The person they're with is on on the team too." I narrowed down who it could be by a lot, but there's still quite a few girls it could be. Ashlyn, Alex, Tobin, Christen, Hope, Kelley, Morgan, Meghan, Becky, and Alyssa are all options. Once the game ends and everyone leaves, I go back to Syd's house with everyone who was there before. As soon as we all get up to her room, they all turn to me. "Ali, please tell us who it is," HAO pleads. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I sigh and look around at everyone. They all nod, so I continue. "It's Ashlyn. She always tells me that everyone she dates never takes the time to really get to know who she really is. They just use her for popularity at school. She's happy with Alex though." After some advice, I go back home after dinner with the girls, and find Ashlyn asleep. In my bed. I get in next to her, and feel her arms wrap around me. I smile as I drift off to sleep...

No Matter What (Krashlyn)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora