Making Some Changes

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Ash's POV

I wake slowly wake up without opening my eyes, and feel no Ali next to me. I decide to get up to find her, but instead, I find Alex staring at me with tears in her eyes. "You're not happy with me, are you?" Is all my girlfriend says. She walks over to me and sits on the edge of my bed next to me. "Do you like her?" She asks again. "Alex I-" But she cuts me off. "Ash, you'll never look at me the way you look at her. I knew this relationship would probably never work, but I still wanted to try." "Alex, I'm sorry. I-I thought dating someone else would be the best way to end what I thought was a stupid little crush, but now... now I'm just stressed. I actually really like you Alex, but when it comes to what I really want, I just don't know. Do I stay with the girl I like, or do I try for the girl I think I may be falling in love with," I say, whispering the last part. "I want you to be happy Ashlyn. I guess this is the end of this relationship, but I hope we can still be friends." "Of course." I say and she begins to walk out of the room. "Alex?" She turns around. "I hope one day, you'll make someone really happy." Alex smiles and walks away. I'm kind of relieved that relationship's over. I walk into living room to find Ali on the couch with her head in her hands. "Ali?" I say and sit down next to her. She looks up at me and then looks back down. "I ruined everything Ash," is all she says before she walk out of the apartment.

Time skip- Ashlyn is leaving for college

Ali's POV

Ashlyn leaves for UNC today and I'm going to miss her so much. Chris and Kyle are on break, so they came home to say goodbye to her. After she says goodbye to the boys, Ash asks to talk to me. Of course I say yes, so I follow her into our bedroom. Ashlyn closes the door behind her, but leaves it cracked open. I see the boys poke their heads through to see what's about to happen. "Alex, I don't really know how to say this without sounding completely ridiculous. It's easier to just show it." She quickly leans in and captures her lips in mine. I instantly kiss back. The kiss is sweet and innocent and doesn't call for an end. It feels great, but I immediately miss the feeling when Ashlyn breaks the kiss. She takes her necklace off, her favorite necklace, and puts it on me. She bites her lip, and walks out of the room. I spend the rest of the night crying into my brother's shoulder.

3rd person's POV


Ali and Kyle never spoke to Ashlyn or Chris again. There was too much awkward tension between the two families. All of the kids reconnected with their families, and told them everything that happened between the four kids. Ali and Ashlyn both had a successful college life, except for having to deal with what happened after high school. Both girls decided to go out, get drunk, and get pregnant. Nine months later, Ali gave birth to a baby girl, Addison Marie Krieger. Soon after that, Ashlyn also gave birth to a baby girl, Ava Elizabeth Harris. But that was all about ten years ago. Ali lived in Germany with Addison playing for FFC Frankfurt until now, and Ashlyn is living with Ava in Florida and is playing for the USWNT and Orlando Pride. Ali and Addison just moved to Florida, and Ali signed a contract to the Pride. Both girls thought they would never see each other again. What's going to happen when they find out they were wrong?

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I had the whole thing planned out in my head, but couldn't figure out how to write it. Also, sorry for the long wait on the update. I've been really busy, and didn't have WiFi for a few days. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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