11 ~ Quit

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"Can you give me a ride to your house?"

Handing Chloe a bagel as she unlocks her locker, something that's becoming a sort of routine, I nod. "Sure, why?"

"Wes has plans and I don't have a car." She explains, shoving books into her bag.

"Yeah, I have to throw a bullpen, but the twins will keep you company." They'd probably enjoy having someone else to talk to besides each other. And I'd prefer it if they'd stop talking about me like I'm some china doll.

It gets annoying.

"Hey, Graham." Chloe chirps and I snap back to reality to find him watching us.

"Um, hi. I-I-I–" he stutters out, focusing on the ground.

"Look, I yelled at you one time." I defend myself. "Are you gonna be this flustered every time we talk?" Because the stuttering and mumbling is sorta annoying and I feel the slightest bit guilty if I'm to blame.

Closing his mouth, he tries to stand tall and comes to my chest. "Will you be a part of Coming Home?"

"No." We've already had this conversation.

His fragile confidence wavers, "W-why not?"

"Because I'm not interested." I assure him, heading for my own locker.

"I'm not gonna stop asking!" He shouts after me and I throw a thumbs up in the air. Keep trying, man. Ask 'till you're blue in the face, my answer won't change.


I'm growing more and more aggravated with myself as the days pass. I leave for Florida Friday after my football game. I should be excited to go. Sad. Eager. Something, but I'm just ready to get it over with.

Maybe that's why I'm not even trying to force myself to be decent in my last bullpen. I suck and Zayne and I both know it.

After tossing my last pitch in the dirt, I calmly walk towards my car. Now that that's over I can focus on the rest of my day. I can do my lab report. Kick Chloe out of my house. Eat my feelings away. Sleep listening to my sad song playlist.

All good things.

"Sage, wait up." Zayne runs for me, looking a little funny with his catcher's gear on. I'm expecting an interrogation on why I suck but he surprises me. "Do you want to come get dinner with us?"

Oh. Looking over his shoulder I see that "us" refers to just him and his girlfriend. I really don't want to third wheel tonight.

"Sorry, Z, but we have work to do." Chloe appears, saving me from once again saying no.

He just blinks, looking between the two of us completely frazzled. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you two were–."

"Homework." I blurt out.

"We're just doing some Bio." Chloe forces a laugh.

"What a shame." Zayne smirks, turning to go. "Anatomy is more my speed."

"Somethings I just don't need to know." I admit and he laughs, unlocking his car.

Heading for my own, the twins climb in as I start the car.

"You know that eventually you're gonna have to hang out with other people." Sterling offers.

Trying to ignore the fact Chloe is in the passenger seat, I look in the rear-view mirror. "I hang out with people."

"No." Silver corrects me.

"You hang out with Freshmen."

I'm feeling really attacked for someone who just loves his brothers. "Pretty soon I won't be here to hang out with you two."

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