[39] God Bless America

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{The Mall Rats, Part I}

"We can't tell Hopper!"

Alice and Dustin returned home after hearing the secret transmission and spent an hour bickering back and forth. Alice wanted to tell the police chief about what they'd heard—she felt keeping the secret from him was foolish and dangerous. Dustin, however, thought bringing him in would put Eleven—and the rest of the party—in danger.

"Dustin," Alice said, "this is stupid. We're barely equipped to handle monsters and the Upside Down. We definitely can't handle spies!"

"Maybe we can!" Dustin said. "We're smart!"

Alice raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I'm smart," Dustin said. "And you've got superpowers! We're a dream team."

"What do you suggest, then?" Alice said, picking at the hem of her faded Hawkins High shirt. "We can't exactly become American spies."

"Or can we," Dustin said, eyes twinkling with excitement.

"No! We can't!"

"Listen," Dustin said. "Tomorrow, let's talk to Steve about this."

Alice's heart beat faster.

"Steve?" she said. "Why the hell are we going to Steve?"

"Maybe because he's one of the most capable people we know?" Dustin said, ticking Steve's good qualities off on his fingers. "And he's brave? And always willing to help us with whatever shit we're stuck in?"

Okay, Dustin had a point.

"Fine," Alice said. "We'll go to the mall tomorrow and see if Steve wants to help us."

The siblings parted ways for the night, one of them dreaming of parades and rewards for becoming an American hero; the other dreaming of vicious rabbits tearing her to pieces while speaking Russian.

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Scoops Ahoy was full of happy customers when Dustin and Alice entered Starcourt the next day.

"Where is he?" Dustin asked as they entered, looking around. 

"Probably in the back, hiding out of embarrassment," Alice said with a snort. "He's not too happy with company policy."

Robin looked bored out of her mind when Alice and Dustin stepped up to the counter.

"Hi!" Dustin said cheerfully.

"If it isn't my favorite pair of siblings," Robin joked, perking up a bit. "What's up?"

Before Alice could say anything, Dustin said, "Is he here?"

Robin titled her head.

"Is who here?" she asked, almost disdainfully.

The door to the back slammed open. 

"Henderson!" Steve shouted, raising his arms in victory. "Henderson!"

Dustin laughed, pumping his fist as Steve said, "He's back! He's back!" 

"You got the job!" Dustin cried out excitedly.

"I got the job!" Steve echoed, eyes crinkling with excitement. He mimed a trumpet, and then Dustin and Steve launched into their secret handshake. 

Alice watched in amusement, feeling almost a pang of jealousy. How come Steve was more excited to see her baby brother than to see her?

Robin rolled her eyes, and leaned over the counter saying, "How many children are you friends with?"

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