Chapter 5 : Five years

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Reminder : Pictures are not mine. Credit to the owner.

You use a deep voice when she talked using Daehyun's identity.


You walked out of the bathroom, only to be shocked when Juhyun standing outside of the bathroom.

You : Are you going to use the bathroom now?

Juhyun : Yeah.

You : Okay. I'm sorry for taking your time.

You walked away from the bathroom.

Juhyun : Wait. The hyungs ask you to wait till dinner and we'll eat together. They're going to cook for you.

You : Really? I'm sorry but I can't.

Juhyun : Sangbae hyung will be sad if you don't join us for dinner.

You : Ok then.

Juhyun : They're in the living room, while Jonghwa and Jaeho are in the kitchen.

You : I didn't ask.

Juhyun : I thought that you would want to know it.

Juhyun disappeared into the bathroom. You thought that he would be cold, but he's a little too kind now. Maybe.

You went to the living room, only to see Sangbae there.

You : Where's the rest?

Sangbae : Juhyun is in the bathroom, Daewon and Kyungtak are taking their short nap in their room, Heojun is cleaning up his room. And Jonghwa and Jaeho are in the kitchen to cook us dinner.

You : They can cook?

Sangbae : Yeah. In fact, both of them can cook, and Jonghwa likes to cook than to eat. Our maknae Jaeho will be a number 1 groom. (A/N : It's a real info. Got it from their interview ^-^)

You : Oh.

Sangbae : Why?

You : It's so weird to know that a boy can cook. Only a little percentage of boys can cook.

Sangbae : Huh? Aren't you a boy? Why are you talking like a girl? You sound like a girl, giving tips for a boy to do what girls like.

You finally realise what you had said.

You : Ah. I-i for-forgot. Maybe my sister's sickness is changing me. Haha.

Sangbae : Oh.

Without you knowing, there's a boy smirking hearing your reply, before he left to go somewhere. Is he 'that' boy? Or did he just know your real identity?

Sangbae : So. Are you older or younger than your sister? Both of you can't be born at the same hour and minutes in one day.

You : I'm older by 8 minutes.

Sangbae : Oh. I want to ask you one thing. Can I?

You : Sure. Go ahead.

Sangbae : What's your little sister's ideal type?

You : I don't know.

Sangbae : What about the age then? Does she have any limit of age for her to date?

You : I don't know. Maybe she depends on how that boy really care about her. She got a phobia of think that all people are the same saying that she's pretty and all. So I guess she would like to have sincere and heart warming type of boy.

Sangbae : Um.. 1996. I guess we're just five years apart then. I am not old for a five year younger girl, right?

You : I don't know. If she likes you, maybe it's going to be good all the way. That's only her choice.

Suddenly Jaeho came in.

Jaeho : Hyung! Daehyun! Come. Stop having some chit chat with each other because we're going to eat.

Sangbae : Ok. Let's go.

You and Sangbae followed Jaeho from behind who was talking about the food.

Jaeho : Can't you smell the sweet taste of the food? Can't you hear the food trying to call you and eat them?

Sangbae : Yeah. Yeah, we know that. So call the rest of the boys too.

Jaeho : They're all in the dining room now, hyung.

Sangbae : Wow. It's early today.

Jaeho : That's because we have a special guest today, right Daehyun?

You : I guess.

You sit down at the dining table. And talk to them, you were looking at Juhyun who looks cold with his eyes again than earlier.

Daewon : Juhyun is always like that. He got a bad memory when he was a kid. So he regretted every step that he made. He wish he could remember it back.

Jaeho : Hyung, we all have that too. Some memory loss.

Daewon : I know that.

Juhyun : Why are you telling him that?

Daewon : What? He's our friend now.

Juhyun : Yeah. I guess so.

You : Let's be good friend, Juhyun.

Juhyun : I hope we can, Daehyun.


Sangbae's the bae. Hahahaha. I have a lot of bae. Everyone are my bae ♡-♡ I think people might start thinking that the 'boy' is not Sangbae. Hahahaha

But I prefer boys that can cook and do laundry on their own, like Jaeho for an example ^-^

Double update today!

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