Chapter 7 : Secrets

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Reminder : Pictures are not mine. Credit to the owner.

Italic words are sometimes are words that were talked by the person to herself/himself.


The next morning, you woke up and took a bath. Feeling freshen up after showering, you stretch your body. You stopped when you heard a knock on the door.

You : Who is it?

?? : Open up.

You heard this voice before, voice that always seems warm everyday you talk to her.

You opened the door,only to see a women.

Aunt (That oppa's mother) : Annyeong, ________.

You : Hmm. Who are you?

Aunt : You don't remember me?

You : No.

Aunt : Don't worry. He'll make you remember about it again.

You : Who's he?

Aunt : Your hero.

Why are they kept on saying 'hero'? Does 'hero' had a special meaning to it?

That aunt went back home after she baked some cookies and you swear you had taste it before.

3 pm is soon to come as it was already 2 pm now, so you change into your clothes, which were a cream loose sweater, black skinny jeans, a red beanies and a black sneakers to feel more comfortable than to wear a ten inch high heels or shorter than that which made you feel annoyed when you got your legs tired after walking for just five minutes.

It's 2.45 pm now, you started to bid your parents goodbye and went to the coffee shop with your father's sports car as you were afraid that they might think that you're Daehyun or so.

At 3 pm, you walked to the coffee shop. Weird. It's the same coffee shop that you met Jaeho before. Who's the one suggests to meet up here?

You saw all the seven boys sitting there waiting for you.

Now, acting starts!

You looked around the coffee shop. Heojun knows that Daehyun looks like you. Well, he is you.  Heojun then waved at you. You walked near them.

You : So you're my brother's friends?

Heojun : Yeah, we are. Come and sit down.

Jaeho : You're the girl I ask you for the number before, right? Isn't that your phone number and phone are being used by your brother? Can't he just buy one?

You : He just want to borrow my phone sometimes for a while.

You were busy talking with Jaeho, Heojun, Daewon and Kyungtak, that you didn't notice that one of them was smirking, being impressed by your acting skills.

Sangbae : Hey, let's go buy the drinks before the line is getting longer. What do you want, _______?

You : Iced caramel macchiato.

Sangbae : Anybody's coming with me?

Jaeho, Heojun, Daewon and Kyungtak joined Sangbae to order the drinks, and possibly some desserts, leaving you with Juhyun and Jonghwa who doesn't want to pick any desserts like the rest if them and ordered their normal drinks.

Juhyun : So, should we introduce ourselves?

You : Yeah. You can.

Juhyun signalled Jonghwa to do the introduction first.

Jonghwa : I am Lee Jonghwa. I like to cook.

Juhyun : I am Kim Juhyun. Second maknae of this group.

You : Oh. Should I introduce myself fully too?

Jonghwa : We all know your name already, so can we just ask one question for one person?

You : Sure, go on ahead.

Jonghwa : What type of guy do you like?

You : I don't know. Someone who protects me, I guess. Being protect by a guy is one thing that maybe all girls dream to have. It's another indirect thing to show that you love the girl.

Without you knowing, somebody was happily talking to himself after knowing your answer.

??? : So your ideal type is still the same, huh? You're totally my princess.

Juhyun then ask you another question.

Juhyun : I want to ask about your past, if it is okay. Like didn't you get frustrated of having a twin brother?

You were utterly shocked by his question.

You : No. I guess. We were both sent to another school from each other. Why?

Juhyun : Nothing. It's just weird that you didn't come with your brother today. And your brother said that he can't come if you come. Is there actually a problem between the two of you?

You : No. We're just. Hmm. We're just don't want to be noticed together.

??? : What a great lie you had told, my princess. I wish I could tell you that I'm here. But I'll wait longer. Wait for me. And on that day, you can't keep your secrets anymore.

The rest of the boys came with a full hands of drinks and cakes, which you also ate, because Sangbae bought extra cakes for you too.

But is the unknown here? In this group of boys?


I hide the guy's mother's name, or it will be very obvious. So who do you think the boys is now? I think the two of them are left? Huh?

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