Reiji x Reader (fluff)

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So this oneshot goes to my friend who's birthday is on Feb 2, and this is my birthday gift for her. Happy birthday mrsamajiki!!

I slowly open the door to Reiji's laboratory door and peeked inside. "Reiji? You there?" I called

"What do you need, (Y/n)?" He asked

I closed the door and walked towards him "Homework..." I answered "I don't get it, and you're the smartest guy I know. So I thought you could probably help me?"

"How unfortunate," he muttered

"What? I'm a human being. I'm really stupid and can't learn without the help of someone else," I reasoned out

Reiji sighs "What's your homework about?"

"Math..." I replied "I didn't understand the lesson..."

"Were you actually paying attention?" He asked, pushing his glasses upward

I answered confidently "No. The lesson was too confusing, it made me space out."

Reiji sighs once again "Please take a seat."

-Some time later-

I groaned in annoyance "I still don't get it!!!"

"That is why I'm teaching you," Reiji said, scanning my work "You barely did the first problem."

I puffed my cheeks and grabbed my textbook, only to pull it closer to my face.

"You're going to get cross-eyed if you keep that up," Reiji told me, but I ignored him

Suddenly, my head ached. I lowered my book and held my head "My head hurts..."

"That's what I meant, but you didn't listen..." He said

"Just shut up and help me!!!" I whined, throwing a fit

Reiji pushed his glasses up "I'll help you with the first problem so you get the idea, and you continue the rest. Understand?"

I nodded vigorously "Just help me!"

After some time of Reiji explaining the equation and how to solve it, I finally understood. "Now do you understand it?" He asked

"Yes I do," I answered "Thanks for helping me!"

"Just ask me if you need any help," he replied

I nodded "Will do," with that, I began doing the problems

"It's such a mystery on how humans can be so cute..." I heard Reiji mutter

I thanked him, not looking up from my book "Thank you. As a human being, we consider that as a compliment."

"You heard that?" He asked

"I have ears," I replied "It's common sense. Not all humans are born deaf ya know," I placed my book and pen down and stared at him "But seriously, you think I'm cute? No offence, but you're the last person I would've expected the Sakamakis to say that"

"I take no offence," he said "It's the truth. I do think you're cute," he stands up and walks towards me

"What are you--!" I got cut off when Reiji's lips came in contact with mine. My eyes widen and body stiffens from the sudden actions

After what felt like forever, Reiji pulls back "Be mine, (Y/n)."

Blood rushed to my cheeks. Nothing else but stutters came out of my mouth. I took a deep breath and answered "Yes,"

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