Mukami brothers (ft. Ayato)

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Little heads up, I don't know how gambling works. I've been watching Kakeguru for reference. If you haven't watched it, watch it at your own risk. And there's a little profanity in here...

"Hey, wanna play poker?" Ayato asks, holding up a box of playing cards

I nod as a response "Sure. What does the winner get?"

"The winner gets to buy anything with the loser's money starting tomorrow," he replied

A smirk grew on my face "Bet," I took the cards from his hand and shuffled it whilst he distributed it

-Some time later-

Ayato slammed his cards on the table and called "Flush!"

I stared at him with a huge smirk "Good job, Ayato. Unfortunately..." I revealed my cards "Looks like I got the 4 of a kind,"

Ayato's triumphant face turns pensive "H-How?!"

I shrugged "I got lucky? Let's go for loads of food tomorrow, shall we?"

"What are you guys doing?" A voice asks

Both Ayato and I turned to the source of the voice and saw Yuma staring at us. "Gambling," Ayato replied

"Why didn't you let me join in?!" Yuma asked

"Let me join, too," Ruki said

Azusa joined in "Me...too..."

"Sure," I replied "We made a bet: Winner gets to buy whatever they want with the loser's money."

"Deal," both Yuma and Ruki said

-Some time later (again)-

"Full house!!" Yuma called, revealing his cards

Just then, Ayato reveals his set "4 of a kind, bitches!"

"How unforunate..." Ruki said, setting down his cards "Straight flush. (Y/n)?"

"Lucky boys..." I paused

Ayato's face brightened "You're spending your money?!?"

I smirked "No..." I reveals my cards and beamed at them "I'm lucky again! Royal flush, cunts!"

"How?!" Yuma yelled "Did you manipulate the cards?!?"

I shook my head "I manipulate people, not cards. More food!!"

Suddenly, arms wrap around me "What the hell are you teaching mah child!!! She's too innocent to be gambling!!"

"Calm down, Kou," I told him "It's just in this household. I won't use it in real life...maybe if I'm broke..."

"See?!" Kou exclaims, holding me tighter "You're polluting mah babeh's mind!!"

"Wanna join in?" I ask him

He shakes his head "No!!...maybe....yeah sure. But let's play a different game."

"Double Concentration?" Ruki suggests

"I'm in, but someone teach me," both Kou and Yuma said in unison

"I'm...also in..." Azusa said

Ayato stands up and walks away "I'm out..."

"Coward!!" I yelled. Suddenly, I got hit on the head by another box of cards "Thanks Ayato!! You still owe me for two months!!" I gathered the cards from the first deck and scattered it along with the second deck "Rules of the game: There are 52 cards in each deck, meaning there are 104 cards total. In Normal Concentration, you have to match the same number or suit. But since there are two decks with the exact same cards, we have to match the same number and suit. First two to reach 26 matching cards gets to continue while the other three are eliminated"

"Bet," Yuma said "Same deal as last time?"

I nodded in response "Yep."

Kou groans "I have horrible or Ruki might win."

"Who goes first?" I ask everyone in the room

"Ladies first," Ruki replied

I shrugged before flipping over a card "King of spades," I flipped over another card "Queen of diamonds. Yuma, you're next."

Yuma flips over a card "Ace of hearts," he flips onother one "4 diamonds. Dammit."

-Some time later-

It's just between Ruki and I. Ruki's score is 50/104, and I have a score of 49/104. I'd say it's a close match. I flipped over a Queen of diamonds "Queen of diamonds! I found it!" I flipped over the other Queen of diamonds card "There we go!" I flipped a King of spades card "Another? Here..." I flipped the other card "That's 51/104. I am on a winning streak."

Ruki slammed his hands on the table. He began perspiring and panting for air. "I-I...I-..."

"You admit defeat?" I ask

He flips over a card "Ace of spades..."

"If you miss this one, that means I win," I told him

Ruki hesitates to flip a card. He scans one card to another, trying to find a match. He layed his fingers on the card that was almost at the edge of the table. His fingers trembled as he flipped it. "Fuck..." he mumbled

A huge grin swept across my face "Queen of spears. I've seen that before," I flipped all the matching cards "That's 56/104. I win!"

"How?" Ruki asked "How were you able to memorize the cards that easily?! How did you get so good at gambling?!"

"I strategize," I replied "I play chess with Reiji a lot, and I've learned a few things from anime."

"I understand the chess part, but how do you learn from anime?" Kou asked

"I learned how to read people, trying to guess what card they'd throw," I answered. I stretched my arms "Now that's over, you guys have to treat me for two months straight! Except for Kou, his is only for a month"

Again, I used Kakeguru for reference. I've never gone gambling before. As fun as it looks, don't try it. You're basically betting your life. Broke or not, don't do it. I just made this for fun. Anyways, that's it for now! Arigato soshite sayonara mina!!!

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