Shu x Reader (sorta angst)

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Long story short, I asked my friend about what she thought of the fanfic I was writing, and she said it needs to be with Shu cuz she apparently likes OOC. So yeah, I'm doing this for her

"Everyone hates you!" A voice shouts "You're a mistake! Everyone would be better off without you! Just die already!"

"I know..." I whimpered "I know...I wish I was dead too, but I'm a fucking coward! I don't have a rope to hang myself with. I don't have a sharp enough knife to slice my throat open. I have nothing else that can kill me!!" I sniffled, wiping the tears that were streaming down my face

"I'm glad your parents left you," The voice said "They should be disappointed, having a good-for-nothing rat like you. Everything they've done for you, wasted on being lazy and spoiled. They shouldn't have loved you from the very begining. Such a stupid excuse of a human being."

I bursted into more tears, knowing everything's true. I cover my ears and reassured myself "It's okay, it's okay. They're just voices in your head. Stop thinking about it, and everything's gonna be alright. It's's okay..."

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Another voice asks

"I wish I was..." I choked between tears, thinking my head asked that. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, taking me by surprise "H-Huh..?! W-What.?!"

"It's okay, it's just me," the voice reassured

"S-Shu, what are you doing here?" I asked

"You were out if the ordinary for the past months, so I decide to check on you," he replied "What's wrong?"

I shook my head "It's nothing. I'm fine."

Shu gave me a suspicious look "You're not. You clearly said it yourself, too. "I wish I was". Tell me."

"I'm really...okay. I-I'm...fine..." I stammered, trying to contain my tears

"I won't stop until you give me an answer," he said, placing his chin on my shoulder "I can help you..."

"You don't need to know..." I told him

Shu burried his face on my neck "(Y/n), don't say that to a guy. It gets them worried even more. Just tell me..."

I hesitated to speak for awhile. "I-I just hate myself. My mother commited suicide, and my father abandoned me. They cared about me until they couldn't take it anymore, and I've been bullied about it when I was sent to an orphanage. No one wanted to adopt me because they said I looked too arrogant. The only family that took me in beat me up and made me their slave for years before sending me back to the exact same orphanage. Everything's my fault! If only I killed myself when I was younger, none of this would've happened!"

"Don't say that!" Shu exclaims "If you killed yourself, I wouldn't have known what true love is."

" me?" I stammered

"I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. I knew we had some sort of connection, but I couldn't point it out," he said "You're the nicest person I've met. Everytime I'm around you, I couldn't help but smile. (Y/n), you're a strong person, despite your problems. I'll help you get through your fight. I'll help you prove the world you're not weak. Remember, I'm here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, and I'll never leave your side no matter how many times you shut me out."

I turn around to face Shu, constant tears running down my face. Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around him and cry mercilesly on his shoulder. "T-T-Thank you..."

Shu strokes his fingers down my hair and reassures me "It's okay, it's okay. Just let it all're not alone..."

Okay! That's it for now!! I'm mad at myself cuz this oneshot is's the best I could do. Anyways, if you're feeling depressed, don't be afraid tell me. I can help. Everyone has their own fight, and people are there to help you through your war. You can do this, keep on fighting...arigato soshite sayonara mina!!!

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