Chapter Twenty Six - Making A Plan

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'You've got a plan in place now, you can get to the bottom of things. I know you're not insane, stop stressing yourself out.'
Ah. Thank heavens I have her by my side.
Charlie took a long, deep breath and shrugged his shoulders, kicking the clumps of grass from under his feet. It was lunchtime at Belgrave Academy, and both Jamie and Charlie had agreed to keep their distance for a few days. Emily was sat on the school's empty playing field with her nervous boyfriend, sharing a bag of salty chips.
'Emily, as much as I really, really appreciate you being there for me, I just can't help but worry.. I mean, what if Jamie was right?'
She ran a hand through her blonde hair, pushing it off of her shoulders. 'What do you mean?'
'Well,' said Charlie, 'what if I am going insane? What if there truly isn't a little boy in the basement, Mrs Bercow's son or otherwise, and I've just imagined it? What then?'
Emily flashed her eyebrows up quickly, looking visibly concerned.
'You're not going insane. At least, I don't think you are anyway. You're too young to go insane. My Mum says that you only lose your mind when you get married and have kids, and neither of those factors apply to you.'
Charlie frowned, unable to come to terms with the thoughts that plagued his mind.
'Jamie's Dad is a top class creep.. why did he say those things to Jamie about me?'
'What you on about? What did he say?'
'Well, basically, when I went round the other night, the night that we argued, he told me that his Dad thought I was acting suspiciously, you know the first time I went round, to check on him?'
'That's odd,' a confused Emily remarked, 'why would he say that?'
'I don't know. I really don't.'
'So are you actually one hundred percent genuine about this plan, then? To go round on the evening and check out the basement?'
Charlie frowned. 'I don't know. I mean, I think it's a good idea, but there's so much risk attached to it all. I mean, what if Mr Manley catches us? What then?'
'If he catches you,' Emily started, 'then you run. You run for your fucking life.'
Charlie paused for thought, allowing the severity (or possible lack of severity) to run through his mind. Each individual risk raced through his head like a fast car, fogging up each one of his thoughts and feelings. After deep consideration, he reached a conclusion.
'I'm going to do it,' he said, both pride and nerves present in his voice. 'I'm going round there, on Friday like we both agreed, and I'm going down to that basement.'
Emily pulled a chip from the roll of newspaper they were wrapped in. Blowing on it, she placed it carefully in her mouth.
'But how are you gonna do it?' she mumbled.
'What, you mean like, what's my strategy?'
She nodded.
'I'm gonna pack a bag and go over in the evening. I'll have a torch with me, and plenty of snacks.'
'You need snacks,' Emily agreed, mouth full again, 'they're almost vital.'
'And I'll have a pair scissors, as well,' he continued, just in case I need to cut through anything.'
His girlfriend threw her head back and began to cackle, thinking that this was quite possibly the funniest yet most serious thing she had ever heard in her life.
'Charlie, a pair of bloody scissors? SCISSORS? You're going to explore your friend's basement, not appearing as a guest on Blue Peter!'
He grunted.
'Do you mind? I don't mean to snap or anything but I'm nervous, okay? I'm terrified, in fact, but I need to do this. All of it, even if that does include the scissors. If there really is a little boy down there, and if that sicko has him tied up, then I'll need to cut him free, won't I?'
'I'm sorry,' Emily began, 'I didn't mean to take the piss. I'm only making light of the situation because.. well, I'm worried about you.'
'Yeah, and I'm worried too, believe me. His Dad is a freak, God knows how he managed to have a pretty normal son like Jamie.'
Emily picked up the last chip in the bag, handed it over to Charlie, and then scrunched the bag up into a ball.
'Are you sure that all of this is the right thing to do though? If his Dad really is hiding something, then you could end up putting yourself in danger, as well as Jamie.'
Charlie sighed.
'I'm not sure of anything anymore. And maybe Jamie IS right after all, maybe I am going mad. But at the end of the day, he's my friend, and if there's even the slightest chance that he's in danger, well.. it'll all be worth it.'
Emily shot him a quick smile.
'I think you're really brave, Charlie. I love you.'
'I love you too,' he quipped, standing to his feet. 'Come on then, I think we best be off. I've got double science and you've got your history exam.'
'Charlie, wait.'
He stopped, turning around. 'Yeah?'
'Do you.. want me to come with you? You know, on Friday night?'
Charlie shook his head. 'No. I'm not dragging you into all of this. I got myself and my friend into this mess.. and now I'm going to get us both out.'

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