Chapter Forty Four - The Bodies

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'Hello? I need police, please. And... possibly an ambulance. But I'm not sure.'
'What's the address, please?'
Charlie began to stutter. 'Erm. It's number ten, Meriden Drive. Belgrave. Please, just come as quickly as you can.'
'Officers are on route to your location as we speak,' the operator told him. 'And what's happened, please?'
'Bear with me,' Charlie told the man on the other end of the line. 'Jamie,' he whispered, 'the police are on their way. We're gonna be fine, don't worry.'
Jamie fixed his eyes upon a corpse that was now slightly hanging out of the wardrobe. He tried to look away, but it was almost as if the body was pulling him in closer. It was the body of a young woman, an athletic type. She was dressed in typical running gear - cheap looking trainers, pink, with a pair of black leggings and a navy shirt made of lycra. Jamie turned away again.
'I don't really know where to begin. How long will the police be?' Charlie asked, his heart pounding at an astonishing rate.
'Around twenty minutes,' the operator assured him. 'But it's important that I know what's gone on before the officers arrive at your house.'
'This isn't my house,' Charlie said in a state of sheer panic, his once calm tones now rising to a higher volume. 'I'm at my friend Jamie's house, but we came into the basement on accident. There's bodies everywhere, and they're not moving. Please, just hurry.'
'Police assistance will arrive at your door within the next fifteen minutes, sir, we have two officers on the way. What's your name, please?'
'Charlie. Charlie Broomer,' he hesitated, tapping the desk nervously.
A noise emerged from what sounded like the living room. Charlie pulled the phone away from his ear and listened out.
Thud. Thud
He put the phone back to his ear. 'Please, you need to hurry. I think my friend's father is awake. I'm trying to be as quiet as I can.'
'Stay calm, sir, help is on the way. How old are you?'
'I'm fourteen. And so is my friend.'
'How many people are in the basement with you?'
'It's me and my friend Jamie. But there's two—'
Jamie coughed nervously, and Charlie spotted another person in the corner of the room. He was dead, just like the other two.
'—Three. There's three dead bodies down here with us, with me and my friend. I'm starting to panic now, please tell the officers to hurry.'
'The officers are now fifteen minutes away from location. Where is your friend's Dad now?'
'He's upstairs, but I think he's waking up. When we got here he was passed out on the sofa. My friend said that he came home really drunk, and he hit his wife, I mean my friend's Mum, too.'
'Are you able you to stay on the line?'
Suddenly the basement door swung open, and the echo of a loud grunt filled the room.
The operator's voice now seemed distant, a million miles away from Charlie's ears. In a state of tense shock, Charlie dropped the phone immediately, and it began to swing back and forth on it's cord.
'Hello, Charlie,' a cold voice murmured.

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