Chapter Twenty Seven - The Murder At Number Eleven

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The next day came around quicker than the students of Belgrave Academy could've ever imagined or hoped - it was the last day of term, and spirits were at an all-time high.
Emily Webb sprinted down the second floor science corridor as fast as she could, only stopping at the very end of it to slap her boyfriend playfully on the head.
'Ouch,' Charlie moaned, 'what on Earth d'you do that for?'
Laughing it off, his girlfriend patted his back gently.
'I'm only messing,' she said. 'How've your lessons been so far?'
'Well,' Charlie started, 'thus far, I've had double science, maths.. yeah, that's it, just double science and maths.'
Emily shook her head, staring at him to display a playful look that said You're my boyfriend, but you're also the world's biggest moron.
'And you've spoken to Jamie today, I'm hopefully assuming?'
Charlie's face went blank.
'Erm, not exactly.'
'Seriously?' her concerned voice asked. 'You two are so.. off and on, I swear.'
Charlie smiled.
'Yeah, I guess so. I just haven't seen him, that's all. We haven't fallen out, if that's what you're getting at.'
'It was,' she said cheerfully. 'I just know how dysfunctional you two are, that's all.'
Emily turned her head and noticed that Charlie was sighing, a bowed head that now faced the ground.
'We told each other that we'd just keep our distance, but it's really hard. He's sort of become like a brother to me, a little bit, and it's hard being away from him. I know that probably sounds gay, but—'
'But there's nothing wrong with being gay, right?' Emily interrupted, sarcastic as ever.
Charlie laughed, only for a second or two, but he laughed. 'That's right, Webbster.'
Emily hit the side of his arm, making sure to touch his funny bone. 'Not clever, Broomer. Not clever at all.'
As the young couple proceeded down the winding corridor, a much younger student (perhaps a year seven or even a year six, Charlie thought) ran into their pathway, successfully knocking Emily to the ground.
'Woah, watch it dude,' Charlie barked, helping his girlfriend back to her feet.
As Emily stood up, she noticed something on the ground; a local newspaper, dropped by the younger pupil. She picked it up, noticing that on the front page was an article written and published this morning. Scanning the page, she skim-read the information. Once Emily had finished reading, her eyes widened to scary lengths Charlie had never seen before.
'What's that?' he decided to ask, now morbidly curious.
She handed the article over to him without a word, and he began to read aloud. The article read:

The Belgrave Express
Wednesday 28th February 1985

Police hunt begins for mysterious "Belgrave Ripper" as another child is found dead in street
The body of a young boy was discovered on w doorstep in Belgrave late last night. The boy, who was found on the doorstep of 11 Meriden Drive, has not yet been identified. Police have launched an urgent appeal to find the person responsible.
Belgrave Police were called to the address at 4.05am this morning and officers are in the process of carrying out enquiries in the local area.
The distraught owner of number 11 Meriden Drive, a Ms. Ronnie Smith, said: "I have absolutely no words. I came down to sort my own child's packed lunch and heard a knock at the kitchen window. I looked out and there he was, the body of a little boy, just lying there on my doormat, dead. As I went outside I almost sort of prayed to myself that he wouldn't be dead, although his face was blue in colour and his eyes had rolled right to the back of his head. He had cuts and bruises all over his face, his body looked limp, and when I saw it I just screamed and called out for my husband, who then got up and rang the police. It's horrifying, I don't even recognise this town anymore, I really don't."

Charlie looked away from the article, staring at the wall ahead. He was panicking now, scrunching his hands into a fist and sweating. Emily reached for his hand but he flinched, hyperventilating and turning away from her.
'Number eleven,' he muttered quietly. 'That's right next door to Jamie's house..'

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