17)November Rain

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Dean picked me up instead of Cas. "Look," he said as I ducked into the impala. "First rain of this season."

I laughed, "Other places were like 'wow, snow!' a month ago. But here in Cali it's 'look, Rain!' In the middle of November."

"You know what this calls for... right?" Dean smirked at me.

I nodded and he put the CD in. We sang Guns 'n' Roses at the top of our lungs all the way to our house. But it got serious as soon as Dean sat on the couch next to Cas and I sat on the love seat across from them.

Cas nudged Dean to talk. "Why didn't you tell us that you remember your previous family?"

"I..." I didn't know how to finish and jut stared at them.

Cas sighed, "that's a big deal, Kennedy. We've been thinking you had successfully suppressed those memories for the past thirteen years. It would have been nice to know that you hadn't. We could have started your therapy a long time ago."

"But that's the thing: I don't want therapy. I never have. And if I had told you, you would be only worried about me more. I'm fine. I've been able to deal with it on my own all this time."

Cas was tearing up and I had to force myself to look away from his face so I wouldn't cry. "You didn't have to deal with it on your own..."

"The flashbacks and nightmares..." Dean stared down at where his and Cas' hands were interlocked. "They weren't just about him... were they?"

I picked at the purple nail polish on my thumb. "No... they were of the old family, too..."

"You really should've told us..." Cas got up and kneeled in front of me. "We just want you safe and happy, Dee. Cuz we love you."

I nodded and tightly wrapped my arms around him. "I know, Daddy.. I love you guys too."

Dean came over and patted my shoulder, "how about we go for a drive?" I smiled up at him and nodded. That was my favorite thing to do with him. Whenever I needed to talk to Cas, we went out to Starbucks or ice cream. But Dean and I always went driving.

We both climbed into the impala an he told me to pick some music. I searched through his cassettes and picked up one I recognized. I held it up to him and laughed.

Dean lauged, too. "Anything but that one. No more The Offspring in this car. I don't think she could take any more."

I grabbed another one just titled "good songs." I held it up to him with a questioning look. He just shrugged so I put it in.

Carryon my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

"Epic guitar solo!" Dean called out and then began singing along to the guitar. "What do you mean I can't sing the guitar?" He quoted a tumblr post I had shoes him once and we both laughed.

We spent the entire car ride jamming to Kansas and Aerosmith and Van Halen ("not Van Hagar," Dean would always say when a song came on.) and then made it back home in one piece.

Things were finally beginning to come together.

A/N: or so it seemed... just kidding. I was going to make this chapter sad but just couldn't do it. So you're welcome.

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