Dark Enough

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There is a boy in the front of my class who I swear I've never seen do anything but laugh

Henry laughed as Charlotte said a sarcastic remark about jaspers buckets.

He's tall and he's smart, handsome and strong and when someone's down he tries to fix what is wrong.

Henry found jasper sobbing in the janitors closet as he sobbed to Henry about someone being mean to him. Henry told him not to listen and that he was amazing.

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure. As to scar his skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more.

Henry sliced the blade against his wrist. Blood dripped from his wrist onto the bathroom floor as he cried. He didn't know how to handle the pain.

How does someone so loving, learn to hate his own guts. Drawing a picture on his arms with a blade, as if his mind isn't dark enough.

The thought swirled viciously in Henry's head, making him feel alone. No one noticed his pain or his internal struggle.

There is a boy in the front of my class whose eyes are glazed over like newly cut glass.

"Henry are you ok?" Charlotte asked concerned. "I'm fine." Henry's short reply made Charlotte worry even more.

The ghost of a smile hints at his face and he laughs as they tell him whose on first base.

Henry laughed, but Charlotte could tell it was fake. She hated not knowing what her best friend was going through.

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure. As to scar his skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more.

Henry sobbed as he sliced the blade against his skin for the fourth time that day. He was sick of feeling like this, being in agony every minute of everyday.

How does someone so loving, learn to hate his own guts. Drawing a picture on his arms with a blade, as if his mind isn't dark enough.

Henry's parents were concerned about their son, who was once so talkative. Now he barely talked to anyone and kept to himself.

There is a boy in the front of my class who's so sad that you find it rare to see him smile or laugh.

"Henry we want to help you. Please let us." Henry turned to his boss who looked so defeated that his sidekick was in so much pain. Henry smiled sadly before walking away.

His friends tell him jokes like the one with the guy but all he does is close his eyes and enter his mind.

"So the guy said, I'm a muffin not bread!" Jasper laughed but stopped as he saw Henry close his eyes. "Hen?" He asked softly. "I'm fine." Henry said with a fake smile.

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure. As to scar his skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more.

Henry cried as he continued to slice into his wrists. No one noticed his self harming. Good, he could continue this for a little while.

For his imperfections

"Henry, you're perfectly imperfect." Ray told him, trying to cheer the sad teen up. "I'm not but thanks." Henry walked away sadly.

There is a boy in the front of my class who yesterday took the breath that was his last.

Henry's parents sobbed as they found their son in the bathtub bleeding from cuts on his wrists. They called the ambulance but Henry was pronounced dead on arrival. They broke down. They had to tell Charlotte and jasper what happened and they told ray. They all cried together.

He wrote a few notes:
I'm sorry I didn't say, but my mind was messed up, you couldn't save me anyway...

Ray cried as he read the note Henry wrote to him. How Henry had felt like a failure and that he disappointed Ray. It was the opposite, Ray was proud of the kid. And now he was gone.
Charlotte and jasper read theirs together, both sobbing into each other's arms.
Henry's family read theirs and they all sobbed, the boy they raised and grew up with was gone. Never to be seen again. Never to grow up.

And to the boy at the back of the class, who feels the way I did.

Jasper sliced into his wrists that night, before Charlotte walked in and talked him out of suicide. She couldn't lose another friend.

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure. As to scar his skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more.

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