They say love is a gamble,

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Chapter 1
🖤They say love is a gamble💜

Kyoko stepped onto the concrete of the restaurant parking lot. Her boots clicked against the ground as she made her way over to the crime scene, ducking under the police tape.

The building that stood before her was a restaurant. It was a very traditional Japanese-styled building. In one of the front windows hung a menu as well as various posters and flyers for discounts and specials. The other was smashed, a car poised outside. Said car was covered in glass and surrounded by police tape.

"What do we got?" Kyoko turned to her colleague, Kaito Momota. The detective, usually loud and eccentric, had just finished talking to another detective, Kaede Akamatsu. His eyebrows were knitted and his expression grim.

He gestures towards some men being forced into police cars, "Kaede was sent undercover to check out this restaurant. She found out that that man," he pointed at a tall man, "was running a gambling ring. They were betting on drugs instead of money."

Kyoko nodded, thinking for a moment before turning towards Kaede, "I want him in the interrogation room back at the police department."

The detective nodded, "Y-yes ma'am."

It was only then that Kyoko noticed how beat up her coworker looked, "Have Amami see to that, you have to see a medic."

She watched as Kaito helped Kaede towards the medics on scene before turning towards the front doors of the building.

She entered the restaurant, moving carefully as to not disturb any evidence. Inside, there were three other detectives. Hajime, Toko, and Aoi. They were surveying the area, which was trashed. Tables flipped, chairs thrown around, and one of the windows were smashed.

Aoi approached her, her voice as bubbly as ever despite the crime scene, "Detective Kyoko, Captain Byakuya is waiting for you in the back room!"

"Thank you, Asahina." Kyoko nodded curtly, making her way towards a door at the back of the restaurant.

She opened the door and surveyed the room. A table stood in the middle of the room, cards laying out on top. It looked to be a game of Poker, as there were piles of poker chips laying on the table.

Byakuya was standing nearby, impatiently tapping his foot, "Kirigiri, late again."

"I apologize, I overslept." She met his gaze unwaveringly. Byakuya gazed at her for a few seconds before turning his head away.

"I presume you had another nightmare?" He sighed, "If you don't want to get help yourself, I'll have to issue you a department mandated psychologist."

Kyoko raised an eyebrow, "You're going to send me to a therapist? Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?"

He shook his head firmly, "No."

Kyoko ignored him, "Is there anything else you need me to be here for, or did you just call me here to talk about my mental health?"

"Actually," Byakuya gestured towards the table, "there is."

She walked towards the table, examining one of the hands of cards closely. It was signed with a very specific symbol.

"Celestia Ludenberg's family crest." Byakuya stated.

Kyoko didn't care about the card, what she cared about was the object next to it.

A lighter.

Usually this wouldn't matter, a lighter is a common item found in a lot of places. But this lighter was black with white roses and a small signature on it.

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