When I found you.

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Chapter 4
🖤When I found you💜

"His last known location is at this address." Byakuya handed Kyoko a slip of paper, "Local authorities had raided it, but he may return. It's off of an alleyway next to a hotel, so I've prepared a room for the both of you there."

Kyoko nodded as she shoved her suitcase into her car. Shuichi sat in the passenger's seat, fiddling with his phone, "And if we catch him, he will promptly be brought back here."

"I want no horsing around or mishaps," The captain continued, "Though I suspect that won't be too difficult for either of you."

Shuichi turned in his seat, "U-um, Captain? Why aren't we sending a bigger team?"

"Because we don't want to be detected, Detective. Isn't it obvious?" Kyoko spoke up, obviously annoyed at the questioning.

Byakuya shoosed her, "Contact me when you get into the hotel. Once you are there, you stay. You are detectives, bot tourists."

"And if he doesn't come back?"

"Call me after three days." He replied, "I will ask the local department to send you a team and you will infiltrate the base."

Kyoko nodded, shutting the trunk of the car. She walked around the side and opened the driver's door.

"One more thing, Detective."

She looked over at her captain, "Yes?"

He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Don't get yourself killed."

With a slight nod, she entered the vehicle. Inside, Shuichi was still messing with his phone. She glanced over curiously to see him texting someone.

"Who are you texting at a time like this?"

Shuichi jumped, not having heard her enter the car. "Oh, it's just my uncle. He's worried about me."

Sighing, Kyoko turned on her car. She backed out of her parking spot, "Yes, this is a dangerous assignment."

Nothing was said after that.


The drive was long and silent, but they made it to the hotel. A man had offered to help with their luggage, but neither agreed. Kyoko because she didn't trust him, and Shuichi because he felt bad.

Their room was very nice. The first thing they saw when they walked in was a living area with a sofa, coffee table, and TV. Across the room was a mini bar filled with beverages and snacks. A very short hallways led to a bathroom and bedroom. The bedroom had two very fancy beds, a chair, and another TV.

Kyoko was used to living in small apartments, but this was way fancier than her place of residence. She set down her stuff on her bed, folding her clothes neatly and placing them in a provided dresser. She only used the top drawer, as to leave space for Shuichi. Though, the boy didn't look like he had any intention of taking his clothes out of his suitcase yet.

He was sitting on his bed, still fiddling with his phone. He had a worried expression on his face, it was quite annoying.

"I hope that thing doesn't become a distraction."

Shuichi jumped, nodding before putting his phone away. It was the first interaction they had since they left.

Walking over to the window, Kyoko noticed they had a direct view over the alleyway. She heard Shuichi shuffle up next to her, peering out as well, "Nice view."

It was probably an attempt at a joke, but Kyoko wasn't in the mood, "Obviously, not"

Shuichi nodded, looking crestfallen. Kyoko felt a bit bad, but she couldn't let her feelings get in the way. She needed to catch Oma and find Ludenberg.

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