My heart was cold,

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Chapter 6
💜My heart was cold🖤

Kyoko narrowed her eyes at Maki, "Where did you hear that from?"

"Word gets around quickly," she shrugged, "especially when you have connections like I do."

Shuichi tensed, "Connections?"

The girl turned to him, "How else would I have information?" She sat on the edge of one of the beds, moving her gaze back over to Kyoko, "Well? Interested?"

Kyoko hesitantly nodded, "First things first, how did you find us?"

"Simple, I knew where you stayed in Tokyo and followed you here." She confessed, "I can follow anyone, anywhere."

Shuichi cocked his head, confused, "Where did you learn that?"

"Unimportant, can we continue?"

"Yes, there are much more important matters to discuss." Kyoko brought her hand to her chin, "Exactly what kind of information do you have on Oma?"

"Friends, acquaintances, enemies," she replied, listing them off on her fingers, "I even know the locations of those friends, acquaintances, and enemies." Maki paused and Kyoko gestured for her to continue talking.

"Sayaka Maizono," she began, "is a pop sensation. She met him at a party three years ago and they were actually friends for quite a while. I have reason to believe she knows where he is, despite what she's told police in the past."

Shuichi spoke up again, "That's helpful information, but why would you be so willing to help us?"

Maki rolled her eyes, "I have my reasons."

Even after she turned away from him, Shuichi's gaze still lingered on her. Kyoko could almost hear the gears turning in his head. "Anyway." She said, "If Maizono has been hiding information from the police for so long, why would she tell us anything?"

"While her and Oma were all buddy-buddy," she responded, "I found out some dirty little secrets the little princess was hiding."

Kyoko picked up an almost snide attitude coming from her, "Do you have issues with Maizono?"

Maki paused before shaking her head, "Let's just say, we've had our differences in the past..."

The detective glanced over at Shuichi, noticing how he seemed to be studying the girl. He looked almost confused and definitely curious.

Kyoko nodded slowly, "Is that all?"

"No." Maki responded simply, "I want to come with you."

"Excuse me?"

"I really want Oma caught," she snapped, "and I obviously can't trust you detectives who keep letting him slip through your fingers to do it on your own."

Kyoko raised an eyebrow, "Why do you want him caught so badly?"

"None of your damn business."

"It is my business, and you are not coming with us until you answer ny questions-"

"Wait, Kirigiri..." Shuichi's voice was barely heard over their conversation, but it made both the girls attention snap to him. "I-I think she should come with us..."

Kyoko glared at him, "Did I ask your opinion?"

He froze, dissolving into a mess of apologies and stuttering. Maki stared at him in almost disbelief, "You're pathetic." She then turned back to Kyoko, "Are you really going to treat your partner like that?"

"He's not my partner!" She snapped indignantly, "I don't need nor want a partner." She pointed at the girl aggressively, raising her voice slightly "And this is my case, so I decide who tags along and who doesn't!"

Maki raised her eyebrows in mock surprise, "Maybe you should actually listen to him before shutting him down." She scoffed, "If he says I should go, I should be able to go."

The two stared eachother down for a while before Kyoko finally looked away, "Fine, what is it?"

Shuichi managed to stutter out, "W-well, she knows his f-friends and acquaintances, so if Maizono doesn't talk or gives us false or inaccurate information, she could tell us someone else to go to."

Silence filled the room for a bit before Kyoko sighed, "Alright, she can tag along." She then glared at Maki, "You stay quiet and don't get in my way, got it?"

The other girl glared back, "I don't take orders from you."

Shuichi glanced back and forth between the girls, "Um, maybe just listen to her, Maki, before she changes her mind...

Maki huffed, but kept her mouth shut. Kyoko could already tell this would be a long trip.



Sorry for the wait, schoolwork is my top priority, and so I haven't had a lot of time to write. My schedule may get a bit weird, so I hope you don't mind.

Also, sorry it's short. I try to make them as long as possible, but sometimes my plans for chapters aren't as specific as I'd like and I need to work on that in the future. So yeah, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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